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How to Write a Great Resume for a Job in 2024

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Master crafting standout resumes with performance highlights, personal touches, and impactful design. Our guide simplifies resume creation, busts myths, and offers clear steps to excel in the job market.
Sep 8, 2022 28 min read

Your resume is more than just a document on your computer.

And its true value goes way beyond that of a white piece of paper.

Looking at it profoundly:

You’ll realize that your resume is the portal through which you jumpstart the career of your dreams. After all, the CV is what headhunters rely on to form their first judgment about you before they change your life forever.

Now, believe it or not...

The main cause why 95% of resumes get rejected isn’t because of the candidate’s lack of experience. Think about it — there’s no shortage of overqualified job hunters who still struggle to get noticed.

The real reason is that they look like this:

Recruiters are only humans. They get bored with monotony quickly, which is why they find uncreative resume templates tedious to look at.

But are jobseekers to blame for this?

Not at all!

When you’re bombarded with misinformation about how to make a resume for the first time, the best you can do is get rejected a lot.

For instance:

If you’ve been on the job hunt recently, you may have heard the following:

  • You can easily make a resume in ten minutes
  • A resume shouldn’t showcase any details besides contact information, paid experience, skills, and education
  • You only need to make a resume once in your life
  • Following specific rules for writing your resume is the only way to get hired

Let’s be honest — these myths are enticing to hear as they break down the resume writing process to an elementary task. But they couldn’t be more harmful when you’re building your resume.

We will debunk all of them throughout this guide and show you how it’s really done.

Let’s get started.

What makes a job-winning resume

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Creating a great resume is an art that requires practice and patience.

It takes a sharp eye to know which details to include in your CV and where they go on the page. More importantly, you need to have an objective right from the start on what you want to achieve with your resume.

Before we get into the practical knowledge, let us first ask:

What exactly is a resume?

“A résumé is essentially a document that enables you to sell yourself to an employer in the best possible way.” ~ Bing

In simpler terms:

A resume is a tool through which you’ll market yourself and the benefits of hiring you to a potential employer.

But where do you even get started? What should you keep in mind while crafting your resume? And how do you sell yourself best with a resume?

Let’s get to the secret sauce…

A good resume is performance-based

“..focus on the specific results you’ve driven and provide tangible evidence of your skills and accomplishments.” ~ Laszlo Bock, VP of People Operations at Google

The best way to market yourself to your dream company is by actually showing what you’re capable of. Feature measurable accomplishments and skills within a context throughout your resume to differentiate yourself from the pretenders.

A good resume is human-centric

“How I Hire: Focus On Personality” ~ Richard Branson

Showing personality takes your resume to a whole new level where recruiters can see your worth more clearly. It enables you to emphasize your strengths and paint a clear picture of what it’s like to work with you.

A good resume is short & concise

“If you cannot sell yourself in 2 pages, you won’t be able to do so in 5 — either.”

This is a rule that 100% of hiring managers agree on when it comes to resume making — which makes it non-negotiable.

Do we even have to ask why?

Hiring committees have to quickly review and shortlist hundreds of the resumes they receive each week. So, one way to make their job easier and get yourself ignored is by making your resume unnecessarily long.

A good resume is job-specific

“We don’t believe in the “spray and pray” tactic – choose 2-3 companies and apply for them” ~ Enhancv

Does that seem counterintuitive?

Well, it really isn’t…

Applying to dozens of companies with a generic resume makes your application look weak and uninteresting.

On the contrary:

A job-specific resume focused on only a few companies portrays you authentically. This is a modern approach that all successful candidates have followed to jumpstart their dream careers.

A good resume is a natural heatmap

“Make it easier for recruiters to spot the best match for the position without spending hours interviewing the wrong applicants.”

Recruiters go over tens of thousands of similar applications throughout their careers. Thus, it’s only natural for them not to be excited about reading every single word on every resume they see.

A well-designed resume prioritizes a nice layout with clearly divided headings and sections that maximize readability. That’s the best and only possible way to beat the 7 seconds rule and keep headhunters engaged.

Before you start writing your resume, you need a tool to craft it



There are hundreds of resume builders out there claiming to be the best option in the market. But what 99% of them are is just a slightly advanced version of Microsoft word.

Enhancv, on the other hand, is the first performance-based, human-centric resume builder to help you tell your resume story with confidence.

We’ve organized our sections to portray your expertise best and show what you’re truly capable of. And we collaborated with HR specialists and design experts to help you establish the perfect balance between personal and professional.

Our resume builder allows you to spotlight your achievements — not just through words, but also by highlighting your character, personality, and professional expertise.

Ready to hear the best part?

With each step forward, we made sure to keep Enhancv resume builder adherent to industry guidelines while ensuring 100% ATS-friendliness.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word would be top of our list if this was 2006 and you were applying for an office job in a small city.

But today, a lot of things have changed.

The employment landscape has gradually shifted towards a modern hiring culture. Headhunters have different expectations and demands — so they expect more creativity in the resume.

But with Microsoft Word being far from the human-centric approach, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure before you even start.

For instance:

In many fields, the hiring company would love to go beyond work experience and learn more about you. Personality, projects, and personal interests make up a big part of resumes in creative fields. All of which are almost impossible to show using Microsoft word.

Let’s summarize all these disadvantages in that 95% of rejected resumes are created using Microsoft Word.

Resume building platforms like Europass

Hiring companies may sometimes require applicants to use certain resume-building platforms specifically. For example, many businesses in Europe prefer a standard resume format, so they ask their applicants to use Europass.

If your target company is asking you to use a precise resume-building tool, go for it. Because that’s the only way your application is getting screened and shortlisted.


That’s not the case in the US, Canada, and most other countries in the world. You can use any resume builder you want as long as your resume is neat and scannable.

Photoshop and Illustrator

Photoshop and Illustrator offer you unlimited design options to create any resume template you want. Therefore, they should be the best option for making your resume.


Well… Only if the following two conditions apply:

  • You have months of free time to study graphic design from scratch
  • You’re motivated to learn everything about resume making rules and industry guidelines

Even if you do have time and motivation, there’s actually a worse part:

You’re only going to use this knowledge once and never look at it again once you get hired.

So, yes… That sounds unreasonable!

The biggest advantage of using our resume builder is in sparing yourself weeks of work while maximizing your chances of landing the job you deserve. You’ll focus your time on finding better opportunities for work and improving your interviewing skills.

How to make a perfect resume - step-by-step guide:

With the right tools and knowledge at hand, it’s time to jump into action and create a resume you can feel proud about.

Based on our long years of experience, we developed a thorough process to help job seekers create their resumes with ease. We relied on research studies to identify key resume characteristics that can help you land more interviews and improve the success rate.

In the rest of this guide…

We’ll map out all the actionable steps you must follow to take your resume from “Okay” to “Great.” You’ll learn expert-based tips and HR-approved techniques to bring your CV to life and beat luck.

Here’s how to write a resume for a job:

how to write a resume - step by step instructions

  • Decide on a suitable resume format
  • Add a captivating resume header
  • Write a professional resume summary
  • Feature your work history through relevant accomplishments
  • Showcase your job-specific skills and talents
  • Highlight your education, certificates, and courses in separate sections
  • Inject personality into your resume through additional sections
  • Update your resume to match the job offer
  • Proofread, save, then hit “Send”

Other additional resume writing guides you might find useful:

The best resume formats and when to use them

The resume format is the structure through which you organize the information on your resume. There are many formatting options such as the modern and basic, which you can choose depending on the job role and industry.

Here are the most popular resume formats:

Reverse chronological resume

how to write a reverse chronological resume

The reverse chronological resume format features your work experience, starting from your most recent job going backward. It’s an all tmes favorite for many as it makes the recruiter’s job a whole lot easier.


  • Emphasizes successful career progression
  • Fit for many job positions and industries
  • Easy to skim, which makes it preferred by recruiters


  • Employment gaps are more apparent
  • May force the candidate to feature unrelated work
  • Draws less attention to skills, projects, awards, and certificates

This format is excellent for traditional fields such as finance and accounting — where work experience is the most vital factor.

Not sure whether this is a right fit for your resume? We have a detailed guide about the reverse chronological format to help you decide.

Functional resume

how to write a functional resume

The functional resume format focuses on skills and talents instead of job experience. It’s a widely popular formatting option among recruiters because it highlights the synergy between the candidate’s skills and expertise.


  • Promotes your job-specific skills as extremely valuable assets
  • Makes up for any lack of experience in the field
  • Stands out with a lasting impression among traditional resumes


  • Doesn’t portray your skills in action
  • Too creative and hard to assess for some old school recruiters
  • Lacks essential elements of who you are you are as a candidate

A functional resume is great for entry-level applicants or recent graduates with no experience in the real world. It also works for anyone making a career transition as they can highlight their transferable skills within a context.

Hybrid resume

how to make a hybrid resume by Enhancv

Based on the name, can you guess what a hybrid resume is?

It’s a cross between the reverse-chronological format and the functional format. Put together, you’ll have the hybrid resume format that combines work history with skillset on the same page.

You don’t even have to be a recruiter to see how awesome this format is. Imagine a resume that isn’t only focused on measurable expertise but also showcases any sought-after skills.


  • All-inclusive as it compensates inexperience with skills and vice versa
  • Portrays the ability to occupy various positions within the company


  • Not always a good format for senior-level applicants since experience is their strength
  • Some headhunters just prefer the chronological format

The hybrid resume format is your go-to option if you’re looking to change your career path or get back to work after a long break. It enables you to keep your resume captivating despite any irrelevant experience or long employment gaps.

Resume formatting tips: The anatomy of a job-winning resume

Now that you fully understand what makes a good resume, it’s time to learn the essentials of resume formatting.

There are a million ways to create your resume based on your job field, work experience, and design preferences. On our platform alone, we have more than 40 ready-made resume templates that you can use.

What do all stellar resume templates have in common?

Resume Formatting Checklist:

  • Length — keep your resume length to one or two pages at most
  • Bullet points — write 3 to 5 bullet points under each job title featuring your achievements or relevant job duties
  • Font — Use one or two modern, professional fonts to establish a clear hierarchy and maximize readability. Be sure to use a consistent size of 10-12pt for body text and 14-16pt for headings
  • Color — add some color to your resume to make it visually appealing
  • Bold and italics — Use different text formatting options to draw the recruiter’s attention towards important terms and metrics
  • White space — leave white space on the margins and around various sections to ensure an optimal reading experience

7 Fundamental Sections You Must Have in Your Resume

For your resume to reflect an intriguing narrative, it has to be broken down into smaller sections… Each one tells a tiny part of your story until the full picture is revealed.

After that, you must create heading titles to keep headhunters focused and orient them towards the information they need.    

What sections do headhunters expect to see on your resume?

  • Section 1 - Header
  • Section 2 - Summary
  • Section 3 - Experience
  • Section 4 - Skills
  • Section 5 - Education
  • Section 6 - Certifications
  • Additional sections (volunteering, projects, awards, languages, etc)

We’ll now go through each one of them in more depth:

How to write a resume header

how to write a resume header

Your resume must feature an eye-catching header at the top of the page. That will bring attention to your personal details and help you stand out quickly.

What are the key details to feature on a resume header?

Below your full name, your header must include the following personal details:


  • Add a short phrase, a quote, or a creative value proposition as your resume headline

Job title:

  • Pick a professional job title that describes your job role and expertise
  • Aim to match the job offer in the title you choose to meet the recruiter's viewpoint


  • Stick to a well-known email provider such as Gmail, iCloud, or Outlook
  • Use a professional email format such as “” or “”
  • Avoid using your current work email as that reflects disrespect and unprofessionalism
  • If you’re a student or a recent graduate, you can use your university email


  • Add your cellphone number instead of your home number so you can respond to important calls instantly
  • Use a standard phone number format like (123) 4567-8910
  • Always include a phone code to your number if you’re applying to jobs abroad


  • Use a standard “City, State” address format
  • Exclude your complete home address as that’s no longer required by hiring companies
  • If you're yet to move to a new state or country, include an “Open to relocate” sign next to your current address


  • Only include links if they're essential to showcasing your accomplished projects or work history
  • Include links to your website, blog, or portfolio on GitHub
  • Feature links to recent projects and activities on Behance or Twitter to stand out as a creative professional

As for the resume photo, there is no universal rule for whether you should add one. The norms around this trend vary based on the industry and the country you’ll work in.

Let’s look at a couple of real examples for resume headers:

resume header - wrong way to do it
resume header - the right way

Read our detailed guide on how to perfect your resume header to learn more about the best practices in this section.

How to write a resume summary

how to write a resume summary

The resume profile is your elevator pitch.

It’s your chance to spark the recruiter’s interest by showing them why you’re fit for the job. This section is crucial for you to stand out from the competition and prove your worth in a few sentences.

Your resume profile can either be a summary or an objective.

“What’s the difference between the two?” You may wonder…

It’s quite simple!

A resume summary works better if you already have work experience in your field. You’ll use it to bring attention to your top career highlights and job-specific skills in a nutshell.

Other impactful selling points you can mention here are:

  • Relevant challenges you’re qualified to solve
  • Certificates and educational background
  • Ways you can help the hiring company improve
  • Industry-related topics you’re passionate about

Let’s look at a couple of examples for resume summaries:

resume summary - written the right way
resume objective - written the right way

On the other hand:

A resume objective is a better alternative for entry-level candidates or recent grads looking to make their way into a new job position. It also works if you’re looking to make a career transition with limited work experience.

How to write your resume experience

how to write a resume experience section

The experience section is the heart of the resume for job seekers in many fields. That explains why it’s often hard to write despite the unlimited amount of free information available online.

If that’s the case for you, no worries! Because we’ve got you covered on this part.

Let’s start with a simple definition of what experience is:

Job experience refers to any work position you held in the past that is related to your dream job.

Here’s how to show it on a resume:

  • Professional job title to describe each position
  • Company name (with a short description if the company isn’t famous)
  • Location using the “City, State” format (just the country if you worked abroad)
  • Work duration from starting date to finish date

Notice that — so far — we haven’t mentioned anything about adding your past job responsibilities.

Can you guess why?

Because the headhunters already know them by heart, and they don’t care. Instead of unoriginal duties, they’d rather see your influence in a similar work atmosphere.

To make a lasting impression, you must match the job description by:

  • Demonstrating your touch and all the significant changes you were responsible for
  • Focusing on highly-related career wins and highlights instead of dull job responsibilities
  • Quantifying your impact through exact metrics and measurable outcomes
  • Using action verbs and keywords to convey a strong message
  • Writing your sentences in the past tense to emphasize expertise and availability

Keep in mind:

If you have decades of experience, you’re not going to feature every single job you held in the past. That applies even if you’re seeking a high-level position in a competitive job field.

Recruiters expect to only see jobs from the past 10 to 15 years at most. Anything before that period might come off as irrelevant and unnecessary.


Promotions are the most powerful advantage when featuring your work history. Simply because advancing in position under the same company shows how reliable, skilled, and dedicated you are.

So make it a priority to highlight work progression and promotions whenever possible.

Two good/bad examples for the experience section:

resume experience section written the right way
resume experience section written the wrong way

Now get this:

There are strong empirical data suggesting that internships will improve your chances of landing an interview. For instance, applicants with internship experience had a 14% higher interview rate when compared to those without no internships at all.

So whether it’s paid or unpaid, always include your internships to compensate for your inexperience.

pro tip icon
Pro tip

Does your work experience fall under a specific job field or position? Include that in your section title to make it more interesting. For example, your section heading can be — Management Experience, IT Experience, Accounting Experience, etc.

How to add your accomplishments:

Hiring managers love resume accomplishments because they help them separate the talkers from the real achievers. After all, what would be better proof of your competence than your past successes?

how to write an achievements section on your resume

Aside from that:

The accomplishments section is an excellent way to bring your resume to life with examples of tangible career wins. Bolster that with concrete numbers and unique facts, and you’ll have a resume that represents the full scope of your impact.

What are you most proud of in your personal, educational, social, and professional life? How did such triumphs affect you and your surroundings?

Take your time with these questions because your answer will reflect your personality and how you define success.

Check out our complete guide to discover more ways to show highlights on your resume.

How to add skill to your resume

how to write a skills section on your resume

As the name suggests:

The skills section is the part of your resume where you highlight your talents and abilities. It helps you edge out most of the competition with a few magical words describing your competence.

There are two types of skills you can put on your resume:

  • Soft skills — transferrable talents and personality traits that are hard to measure
  • Hard skills — industry-specific skills that are easily quantifiable and can be acquired through practice and education

We’ll get into specific examples of these two types of skills in a moment.

But first…

You need to understand how to choose attractive skills to add to your resume.  

Here’s the secret:

Read the job offer attentively to comprehend what the hiring company expects from you in terms of skillset. Then make a list of all the required skills that the headhunter will want to see.

As a final step…

Reduce your list to 5-10 soft skills and hard skills, and put them in a separate “Skills” section.

Here are the best soft skills by 2025 according to the Future of Jobs Report (2020):


We recommend that you scatter these skills across all resume sections. This way, you can better demonstrate their real use and show they helped you handle difficult tasks.

And another thing…

Even if the job posting doesn’t specify any skill requirements, you can convey your knowledge of the position by only featuring relevant talents. That will leave you more room to tailor your resume and appeal to recruiters.

Ready to find out more about this? Read our blog on how to write a stunning skills section that leaves a mark.

How to write your resume education

how to write a resume education section

Education is still required in most job fields during the hiring process.


Because having a strong academic record shows that you’ve invested long years into your career. It’s also direct proof of your deep industry knowledge and promising potential for the future.

Here’s what recruiters want to know in this section:

  • Degree name — i.e. “Master’s Degree in Computer Science
  • Education institution — i.e. “Columbia University”
  • Graduation date or years attended
  • GPA (only if it’s above 3.5 or if you’re in a technical field)
  • Honors and scholar programs (optional)
  • Major & Minor (only when relevant)

Where should all of that be on your resume?

Remember that you’re trying to market yourself best by telling a compelling story to the hiring manager. Thus, the order in which you place various parts on your resume matters.


If you already have enough experience to land the job, it’s okay to put the education section at the bottom. However, your academic record might be your best selling point if you’re a recent graduate, which is why education should come at the top.

Here are some rules to keep in mind when creating an education section:

For more details about this section, read our guide on how to highlight education on your resume.

Courses, certifications, and awards on resume

A hiring manager with two hundred applications in their inbox will need more than work experience to choose a candidate. They have to look deeper into what you can offer based on further qualifications.

That’s where courses, certificates, and awards come into play.


The 2021 workplace learning report by LinkedIn put a huge emphasis on the importance of talent development. It showed that job seekers have spent +50% more time consuming informational content in 2020 compared to 2019.

Do we even have to ask why?

Companies that did the best during COVID focused on upskilling and reskilling to survive economic uncertainty. The rapid shifts throughout all industries are now pushing employers to prioritize fast learning and adaptability in the workplace.


The importance of showing your skills set as well as your ability and willingness to learn.

Now, as you may have noticed, these sections fall under different categories. So it doesn’t make sense to put them all under the same heading.

For example:

Let’s say that you have a project management certificate that you want to feature in your resume. You’ll create a new header, name it “Certifications,” then put your certificate with its official name.

Of course…

You’re not going to randomly list all the courses and licenses from the past because that only shows desperation. Instead, you should only choose the most recognized and valuable ones to add to your resume.

Other sections in your resume

Up to this point, you’ve learned the ins and outs of how to make your resume outstanding. You created and perfected the most important parts of your CV to make a solid impression.

In the rest of this guide, you’ll discover how to put the final touches to your resume in a way that makes a difference.

Let’s start with the best additional sections you can add to your resume:


Showcasing strengths on a resume is a unique way to leap over your competition.


One thing most candidates struggle with when creating the strengths section is self-image. In other words, job seekers find it hard to identify strengths in relation to their work history.

how to write a strengths section on your resume

If that sounds like you, don't worry…

We’ve got a few solutions to help you get going:

One thing you should never do is copy uninspired strengths from online resumes and expect them to be appreciated. You must avoid industry jargon and buzzwords at all costs as that might get your resume ignored.


Reflect on your past accomplishments and look for any big projects you were part of. What was it about you that made you successful? And how can these strengths help the hiring company grow?

Another way to go about this is to ask a friend or a former coworker to tell you a little bit about yourself. Nudge them towards giving you a precise answer by asking for a good description of your points of strength.


Can you speak more than a few languages?

This is the perfect place to show off your language skills.

how to write a language section on your resume

Add the primary language you’ll be using at work along with your mother tongue and any other languages you’re good with.

You can break down your proficiency into these five levels:

  • Native
  • Proficient
  • Advanced
  • Intermediate
  • Beginner

Be careful:

Lying about your language proficiency could get you in trouble in later stages of the hiring process. Most other candidates won’t even have a language section, so stating your language level is already enough.


Community service paints a positive image inside the recruiter’s mind about your good intentions and high values. So even though it doesn’t reflect experience or qualification, volunteer work is a good indicator of your personality and what it’s like to work with you.

how to write volunteering on resume

In addition to that:

A volunteer section can make up for any employment gaps on your resume — especially if volunteering helped you gain job-relevant skills.

For example:

If you were responsible for managing budgets for a charity, you can turn that into an intriguing story that shows your expertise and morals.

When adding volunteering experience:

  • Name your position at the voluntary association
  • Name of the association
  • Description of your role as a member
  • Years of community service
  • Bullet points summarizing your quantifiable contributions while concentrating on applicable skills

Projects and publications

This section could include personal projects, work-related projects, hackathons, academic publications, freelance work, etc.

Featuring projects on your resume is the ultimate proof of concept every headhunter needs before hiring you. It’s a straightforward way to emphasize technical skills and show personality attributes.

Now — here's the deal:

Projects need to portray your industry-relevant skills and experience positively. So make sure that each project you include is actually understood by recruiters so that it becomes beneficial for your application.


Be sure to include lots of measurable successes using ATS keywords to improve your chances. And don’t worry if you have to leave out some details because you can always address them later in the interview.

Personality - shown through passions, interests, hobbies, or quotes.

how to personalize your resume writing

Here’s a golden tip to double your chances of getting hired:

Give recruiters a glimpse of what you are like even before they hire you. Not only will that get you noticed quickly, but it also sheds a light on all the positive attributes you can bring to the workplace.

In fact:

A recent psychological study about resume evaluation has proven the effects of applicant personality on job success. Researchers have found that there are specific resume cues that recruiters often look for in a resume.

In the following section, we’ll break down these cues into the simplest explanation possible.

  • Conscientiousness — refers to a candidate’s diligence, reliability, and ability to perform tasks effectively within the deadline
  • Agreeableness — suggests that the applicant is easy-going, trustworthy, and fun to work with. It also indicates high morals and sympathy towards their coworkers
  • Openness — is the creative sense and the ability to come up with solutions quickly.

Now, to show all of that, you must add new sections — such as “Passions,” “Interests,” “Hobbies,” and “Quotes” to make your application more interesting.

You could also focus on showing each trait individually. Here’s are some ideas to help you get going:


  • Create a “Day In My Life” section
  • Focus on your “Years of experience”
  • Demonstrate acquired skills and talents
  • Feature projects and achievements


  • Showcase teamwork & empathy skills
  • Include project collaborations
  • Focus on group awards and company achievements
  • Highlight your volunteering experience


  • Add creative projects with direct links for a personal website, Behance, Github, etc
  • Illustrate your artistic achievements
  • Specify your passions with hobbies and interests
  • Use a modern resume design

Aside from that, you can help headhunters understand your character just by sharing more about yourself. For instance, you can include a quote that you find inspiring, even though that wouldn’t always reflect your true self.

Tailoring your resume

Now with to the most critical step in the resume-making process:

Tailoring your resume to the job offer.

You must create a job-specific resume that captures hiring managers’ interest at first sight. Once they’re hooked, your resume has to outshine the competition by showing your relevant experience and skills.

Think of it this way:

Marketing professionals have to set objectives for their campaigns and identify their target audience before they launch. And since your resume is a marketing tool, you have to follow the same steps and create a targeted resume.

Here’s how you’ll do that:

  1. Read through the job description to identify the key requirements
  2. Create a list of essential job duties and relevant keywords
  3. Update various parts of your resume to match these hiring demands

Let’s look at a quick example of job requirements:

  • College degree in Accounting, Finance, or other relevant fields
  • 2-5 years of work experience in finance/accounting
  • Outstanding time management and decision-making skills
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification
  • Excellent analytical and organizational skills
  • Highly energetic with a positive attitude
  • Solid Excel and QuickBooks skills

The focus keywords you can pick here are accounting, finance, time management, decision-making, QuickBooks, etc. All you have to do now is use them repeatedly in your resume to make it appealing.

Proofread your resume, save it, and hit send!


You’ve made it to the final part of our HR-approved resume-making process. Getting to this point shows just how motivated you are to land your dream job and live a new experience.

We have a few final resume tips you can apply before you start sending out your CV…

Throughout the years, we came to identify the most common resume mistakes job seekers make in their journey. Avoiding these errors at an early stage will save you weeks of frustration and help you get hired quickly.

Here’s our final resume-making checklist:

Proofread your resume —

Grammatical errors on a resume are unattractive and can come off as mediocre. Be sure to read the whole thing from start to finish out loud so you can catch any typos or spelling errors.

You may also ask someone to double-check after you to minimize errors.

Name your file the right way —

The hiring manager is probably too busy rejecting other resumes when they decide to shortlist you. So they’ll appreciate it if you used your first and last name as a filename to help find your application quickly.

You can take this one step further by adding the company name to capture their attention. Your resume filename will look something like this:

Jeremy Turner Resume — Google.pdf

Choose a proper resume format —

PDF is the best format according to recruiters because it preserves your resume design and layout. It can be opened using any file reader and on different devices without any errors.

Test print your resume on paper —

Does your resume look good on physical paper? Print a physical copy of your final CV to test the formatting and color looks.

If you ever decide to send a physical copy of your resume, use high-quality white paper with a smooth texture.

Apply to jobs via email —

Here’s a crucial tip to increase your application success rate:

Send your resume directly to the hiring manager via email to stick out from the crowd. But you shouldn’t do that if the hiring company asks you specifically to use their email address in the job posting.

How do you find the hiring manager’s email?

Here are a few quick ways:

  • Find their profile on LinkedIn
  • Look them up on various social media platforms
  • Check the company’s website, specifically the “Our Team” section
  • Do a quick Google Search
  • Use a browser extension such as “Rapportive” or “ContactOut”

You may also send your CV to an insider to introduce you to HR and help you put a foot in the door.

Include a references section only when necessary —

References” was a popular section a few decades ago — yet it continues to lose its appeal today as fewer recruiters see the need for it. Save up space on your resume by leaving out references and only include them if required.

Make a resume that beats ATS and wins interviews today!

Follow our thorough guide to learn how to create a perfect resume that makes you the center of attention. Also, be sure to try our resume builder to save yourself time, energy, and a lot of heartbreak in the process.

Let’s be honest…

You’ll only get so far with written tips and theoretical knowledge. You can read dozens of books on writing a resume — but without actual samples and templates, you’ll always lack the magical touch.

That’s why we created +500 resume examples for different job titles to inspire you to build a resume you can hand with a smile. We also have +40 ready-made resume templates fitting various professions and industries to write your resume without much hassle.

Make your move!
Your resume is an extension of yourself.
Make one that's truly you.
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Kal Dimitrov
Kaloyan Dimitrov is a resume expert and content manager at Enhancv. He frequently publishes blog posts around resume writing, cover letters & job applications, and authors more than 500 publications on the site. Kaloyan also runs a Career Accelerator Bootcamp for young graduates where he applies his practical knowledge of job applications and writing resumes and educates people on how to present their best selves in front of business representatives. His opinions on resume writing and career development have been featured in Chron., as well as cited by top universities such as Simon Fraser University and UCL.
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