Cover Letter Design: 5+ Tips & Examples for Success

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Pub: 11/23/2018
Upd: 10/21/2024
8 min read

Quick Answer:
The design of your cover letter matters as much as the content. Recruiters are under immense pressure to filter through all the applications they receive, so design can make the difference in terms of standing out. Optimize your header, update links, choose colors scheme thoughtfully, think how it looks on paper, be consistent with the design of your resume, and always keep a cover letter to a single page.

Recruiters go through hundreds of resumes and cover letters each day.

This means the key to getting hired is making it through their initial scanning methods.

This scanning involves checking the basics, and one of the most basic parts of your cover letter is how you design it.

The design you choose can help you stand out, direct the recruiter’s attention, and leave a lasting impression. What is there to consider when designing your cover letter?

Keep on reading below to find out!

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Why does design matter for a cover letter?

Much like with your resume design, it all comes down to impression. Recruiters are under severe pressure to sort through all of the applications that come across their desks as quickly as possible.

This means it’s important to create an immediate impression.

One of the best ways to create an impression on someone who is on auto-pilot is to cause disruption.

You want to catch the recruiter’s attention, give them something that makes them pause and hold your application for an extra second, something that holds their eye and centers them. “Hold on, this one looks good”.

That’s what you’re going for.

Design choices are an excellent way to accomplish this.

What needs to go into my cover letter design?

Optimize your header

If you’re including a cover letter on top of your resume, your header will be the first thing the recruiter looks at. Think about what information recruiters want from your resume header. They want to find your name, contact information, and spot anything that individualizes your application.

This means your name should be the largest font of all text in your cover letter, and there should be clear sections dedicated to your contact information.

You can personalize your header by introducing a color scheme and resume headline.

Take a look at Marcellus’ header on his network engineer’s resume to see all of this in action.

Enhancv Cover Letter Design: 5+ Tips & Examples for Success Cover letter design

Be sure to update any links you’re including in your cover letter as time goes on.

While we all know to update the body of your cover letter and ensure it’s specialized to each position you’re applying for, you may forget to update your contact information and header.

Ensure you’re including a professional email address and update your voicemail, too.

Pro tip
Write a descriptive title that showcases details about your speciality or experience level. For example, if you’re a web developer, you could say “Full Stack Web Developer” or “Back End Developer” to give more context.

Think about your color scheme

As mentioned, the color you use in your cover letter can draw attention and convey personality. While I wouldn’t recommend using color in the main body of your cover letter, it can be used to accent essential sections. For example, your title can be included in color.

The key number is three. One color for main headings, one color for your body (I’d recommend one shade lighter than your main headings), and an accent color to highlight the important stuff.

When Pavel was applying for a job with, he matched his resume colors to Booking’s famous blue.

Enhancv Cover Letter Design: 5+ Tips & Examples for Success Cover letter design

Using photos

Beyond simply including a photo of yourself, including a photo of a personal logo can help a cover letter stand out.

Not only does this allow you to use photographs to your advantage in states where personal photographs are prohibited, but it’s also professional.

This is especially true for freelancers. You can go on to include personal photographs in your resume thereafter.

How does it look on paper?

Part of the design process is thinking about how your cover letter looks from beginning to finished product. This means checking how your design translates across different mediums.

Are your colors as vibrant in print as they were in design?

Is your font legible when printed out, can you read it without having to zoom in?

You never know what format the recruiter will request your application to be sent in, so you should ensure you’re putting your best foot forward every time.

Tip: Using different resume paper styles can add to the individuality of your application and cover letter!

Be consistent

Remember, your cover letter is the icing on the cake of your resume. They should compliment one another.

This doesn’t mean your cover letter should be designed in the exact same way as your resume, in fact, in most cases it shouldn’t be.

But, they should lie in the same design family. One great feature of Enhancv’s resume builder is the ability to write your cover letter and choose from the same great template, color, and text styles.

You can have a resume and cover letter that go hand-in-hand.

Enhancv Cover Letter Design: 5+ Tips & Examples for Success Cover letter design

Our favorite cover letter designs

1. Default Cover Letter

The default cover letter design was our first, and we’ve never stopped loving it. It’s perfect for matching the Enhancv resume design you all know and love, and is functional for everything a cover letter should accomplish.

With the bold typeface, simple sections, and sleek backgrounds, the default cover letter is perfect for every job from entry-level all the way to executive.

Enhancv Cover Letter Design: 5+ Tips & Examples for Success Cover letter design

2. Compact cover letter

Much like our compact resume template, the compact cover letter is direct and to-the-point. It can be used to give a quick introduction to the recruiter and further direct them to your resume where they can comb through the fine details.

This type of cover letter is perfect for when you’ve already been referred to a job and have already introduced yourself, or when for seasonal work.

Enhancv Cover Letter Design: 5+ Tips & Examples for Success Cover letter design

3. Modern cover letter

The modern cover letter is the perfect middle-point between the compact and default cover letters. Each section is downsized to provide more room for the body of your cover letter, while still leaving room for your personal photo or logo.

This is perfect for applying to high-level senior roles where great detail of your prior accomplishments and desire to work for the organization is needed.

Enhancv Cover Letter Design: 5+ Tips & Examples for Success Cover letter design

Frequently asked questions

Why is the cover letter important?

Most jobs require you to submit a cover letter with your resume and application. A cover letter is important because it directly speaks to the employer, showing them why you’re the right fit for the job.

In this one-page cover letter, you can cover your main skills and achievements, your relevant experience to the position you’re applying for, and any other information that shows that you’re passionate about the role.

What font should you use in your cover letter?

Your cover letter should always be written in a standard, easy-to-read font like Times New Roman or Arial. It should be 12pt or slightly bigger.

Your cover letter is not the place to experiment with fun new fonts. It’s best to keep it professional.

Who should you address the cover letter to?

We recommend that you try to find the actual hiring manager’s name before defaulting to the “Dear Hiring Manager” line.

Check the job description first to see if they’ve listed the hiring manager’s name.

If their name isn’t there, you can do some research on LinkedIn to see if you can find the hiring manager there. Otherwise, you can call or email the company to ask them who you should address your cover letter to.

If neither is an option, it’s acceptable to address the cover letter as: “Dear Hiring Manager”.

Can a cover letter be two pages?

No, you should always keep a cover letter to one page. Hiring managers read a ton of job applications. They only have time to read one-page cover letters. If you make it two, they likely won’t read it.

Can a cover letter have bullet points?"?

Yes! Bullet points are a great way to organize your thoughts in a cover letter.

The entire cover letter shouldn’t be written with bullet points, but some parts of it can be. For example, when highlighting your accomplishments, you can list them off with bullet points to make a bigger impact.

Can a cover letter be an email?

Short answer, it doesn’t matter. Unless the hiring manager specifically said how they want the cover letter sent, you can either attach it to the email or write it as the body of the email. Up to you!

Should you sign your cover letter?

If you’re sending your cover letter over the computer, you don’t need to include a formal signature. Instead, use a professional sounding sign off, like “Sincerely”, and then type your full name underneath.

How should you export your cover letter?

Exporting your cover letter as a PDF is the best option. You’ll have confidence that your cover letter format won’t change, no matter what computer or browser the hiring manager is reading it from.

Cover letter design is about nailing the basics

With your cover letter, it comes down to the basics. Make sure to provide enough space to the essential information you’re including by sectioning off your header where you can include your name and contact details.

Stick to three simple colors to direct attention, detail, and highlight important elements. You should ensure to match your cover letter to your resume so the recruiter gets you in one cohesive package.

Using Enhancv, you can pick the background, template, font, colors, and more to personalize both your resume and cover letter in this fashion. No need to worry about margins and spacing, we’ve got that covered!

Match your cover letter to your resume perfectly by using Enhancv’s resume builder. You can choose customizable resume templates that suit your style. Looking for inspiration on what to write? We have resume examples covering hundreds of different job roles.

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Make one that's truly you.
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Kal Dimitrov
Kaloyan Dimitrov is a resume expert and content manager at Enhancv. He frequently publishes blog posts around resume writing, cover letters and job applications, and authors more than 500 publications on the site. Kaloyan also runs a Career Accelerator Bootcamp for young graduates where he applies his practical knowledge of job applications and writing resumes and educates people on how to present their best selves in front of business representatives. His opinions on resume writing and career development have been featured in Chron., as well as cited by top universities such as Simon Fraser University and UCL.
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