AI Resume Review

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AI Resume Review

Our AI Resume Review tool, powered by ChatGPT, provides instant, tailored feedback to help you enhance your resume.

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Get feedback on your resume specific to the job you are applying to using AI

Automatically rewrite your content
Focus on specific keywords for the job
Highlight quantifiable impact in your experience
Fix grammar and spelling mistakes

AI Resume Review that feels like a human reviewing your resume

Trained explicitly on recruiter feedback, Enhancv’s AI Resume Reviewer will return only what’s relevant to you. Focused on quality over quantity.
Never apply with grammar & spelling mistakes
The tool will always start by searching for embarrassing grammar & spelling mistakes, so you never send a resume that may cost you the interview.
Highlight your best qualities
Enhancv’s AI Resume Reviewer will provide suggestions for a tailored resume summary that will catch the recruiter’s eye without spending too much time on your resume.
Validate your experience with numbers
Enhancv’s AI resume review fine-tuned algorithm will review your experience and give suggestions for quantifying your achievements for every role to show impact.
Always tailored to the job you are applying for
The suggestions always prioritize the job description, so you’ll get different feedback whenever you post a different job description.
Find out if you missed any crucial resume sections
This AI resume check ensures you always have the most up-to-date and relevant resume structure and will suggest new sections, or a change in order.
Better suggestions thanks to the self-learning algorithm
Chat with the AI resume reviewer to get even better suggestions for your resume’s content. Generate suggestions based on your input and experience, rather than generic tips.
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Instantly apply feedback with our comprehensive resume improvement toolset

Resume Builder

Enhancv’s Resume Builder automatically transfers your content with the feedback applied to our optimized format for success. Make edits and create different versions of your resume all on the same platform.

One-click Resume Import

Do you keep old versions of your resumes? Import your LinkedIn or an old resume without manually typing the information using a fully automated process that focuses on the most important in your experience. With Enhancv you’ll never miss an important part of your career.

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What is a resume review?

A resume review is a detailed examination of a job applicant's resume. During this process, someone evaluates the document for its structure, clarity, relevance, and effectiveness in presenting the applicant's qualifications and experience. The goal is to ensure the resume stands out to employers and aligns with job requirements. It often includes checking for grammatical errors, formatting issues, and whether the content is compelling and tailored to the specific position.

Why is it important to review your resume

Reviewing your resume is essential because it helps ensure accuracy and professionalism. A well-polished resume increases the chances of landing interviews by presenting your skills and experiences clearly. A poorly reviewed resume, on the other hand, can lead to missed opportunities due to typos, outdated information, or lack of proper structure. Regular reviews also ensure that your resume reflects your most recent accomplishments and is tailored to the job you're applying for.

How much does a resume review cost

The cost of a resume review can vary widely. Some professionals and services charge anywhere from $50 to $300 or more, depending on the level of service and expertise. However, some services offer free reviews, often with the option to pay for additional detailed feedback or revisions. Online tools and AI-driven platforms like this one can provide great feedback, too, at no or low cost.

Checklist for how to review a resume

  1. Spelling and grammar: Look for typos and grammatical mistakes.
  2. Clarity: Ensure that the resume is easy to read and understand.
  3. Formatting: Use consistent fonts, margins, and bullet points.
  4. Achievements vs. responsibilities: Focus on what you've accomplished rather than listing job duties.
  5. Tailored content: Customize your resume for each job application.
  6. Quantify results: Where possible, include numbers or metrics to demonstrate impact.
  7. Contact information: Verify that your contact details are up-to-date.
  8. Conciseness: Keep it to one or two pages, depending on your experience level.

How to ask someone to review your resume

When asking someone to review your resume, be clear and respectful. You might approach a mentor, colleague, or professional resume reviewer. Frame your request in a way that shows you value their opinion and time. For example:

  • In-Person Request:
    "Would you mind taking a few minutes to review my resume? I'd really appreciate your feedback."
  • Via Email (Example):
    Subject: Request for Resume Feedback
    Hi [Name],
    I hope you're doing well. I'm currently working on updating my resume and would really value your insight. If you have some time to look over it, I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have. Thanks so much in advance!
    [Your Name]

Who can review my resume

  • Mentors: People in your industry or field who know what hiring managers are looking for.
  • Colleagues: Friends or coworkers who are familiar with your work.
  • Professional services: Career coaches or resume writers who specialize in job application materials.
  • Online tools: AI platforms like Enhancv's AI Resume Review can provide useful feedback on grammar and structure.

How long does it take to review a resume?

The time needed to review a resume varies. A quick review for basic errors might take only 10-15 minutes. A more detailed review focusing on content, structure, and impact could take 30 minutes to an hour or more, especially if there's significant feedback to provide.

How long does it take for an interviewer to review my resume?

Most recruiters and hiring managers spend about 6 to 7 seconds scanning a resume before deciding if the candidate is a good fit for further review. However, a more thorough review can take anywhere from a few minutes to 15 minutes, depending on the complexity of the role and the resume.

How to use ChatGPT to review a resume

You can ask ChatGPT to review specific parts of your resume by providing the text and asking for feedback on grammar, structure, or clarity. For instance, you might input your resume's summary section and ask for suggestions on how to make it more engaging. While ChatGPT can't fully replace a human reviewer, it can help identify common mistakes and offer insights on improving readability. You can also use our own polished, tailored AI Resume Review tool. While it's based on ChatGPT, we've taken the guesswork out of prompting ChatGPT yourself and you can enjoy our polished product for free.

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Your resume is an extension of yourself – make one that’s truly you
