Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

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Sep 8, 2022 6 min read

You have followed our steps for a stand-out resume. You have made it perfect. But nobody calls you.


Did you double-check your contact details for errors? Did you actually put them in your resume?

Resume contact information is something you shouldn’t neglect. This section is crucial for the Hiring Manager, no matter if they would read your resume or not.

So this really makes you think:

How do I make a resume header that appeals to the Recruiters?  Where should I include my contact information? Is every piece of contact information so important after all?

Take a look at our Resume Examples where we explore over 500 resume headers and stay with us to learn how to make the best use of the contact info.

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)


What contact information to include?

Your contact information is the first thing that comes up in your CV. Making it perfect would give you a step forward toward your dream job.

It’s simple:

  • Provide a name;
  • Give your contact details – city and state, phone number, email;
  • Link to a personal profile or portfolio;
  • Set the tone of your resume.

Let’s go through every bit of it and make your contact resume information flawless.


We all know that it is important to put our name first. But how to make it stand out?

Hint: increase the font size.

You should know that almost every recruiter runs a background check on you. They could search your profile on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social media depending on your profession.

They could read your blog posts if you have any or take a deeper dive into your interests.

Having this in mind, we suggest you use your legal name.

For example, if you are recently married, better put your maiden name, especially if you haven’t changed it yet on the Internet.

You don’t want to disappoint the Hiring Manager by not letting them find information about you. This could cost you your dream job.

Worried about what they could find?

Take a look at our recruiter check quiz.

If you have a preferred name or a nickname by which you go, write it in brackets. That’s especially important for people in the art industry.

job title

It’s okay to put your real job title here.

But, why not go the extra mile?

Here’s what we suggest instead: show in a dozen words or less how your experience is related to the position you are applying for.

Replace the job title with a description that shows the best of you.

Remember, be creative and most importantly be yourself.

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

André’s job title gives insight into his current career path and the considerable career change he made. He intrigues the Recruiter with just one sentence.

Catchy job title in the contact information is the best way to get the attention of the Hiring Manager and throw in a fact about you as early as possible.

Phone number

Recruiters will most likely need a way to reach out to you directly.


  • To set up an in-person interview
  • To ask for references
  • To conduct an over-the-phone interview
  • To eliminate any misunderstandings

So, make sure to include a mobile number that you can always answer. And, do not use a work number under any circumstances.

Even if your current employer knows that you are looking for a job, it is highly unprofessional.

If you apply to jobs outside of where you live, better include your country code. The Hiring Manager will appreciate that because it saves them time.

Make a voicemail and check it often. State your name clearly to ensure the Hiring Manager they are calling the right person. Better avoid telling jokes and keep it professional. You never know what kind of person is calling you.

Suitable formats for writing your phone number are:

  • 123-456-7890 and (123) 456-7890;


It is crucial to have a professional email.

We all have email addresses from our teenage years, which are similar to “” or “”.

Do you think it suits a grown professional with expertise and a desire for development?

No, right?

Then don’t use your old email.

Make a professional email address with your first and last name.



Where are you based is important to recruiters.

However, it is not about writing your street and house number, but about telling them in which city you are living (most of the time).

First off, if the position is onsite in New York and you are living in Philadelphia, this job is not really suitable for you.

Both you and the Recruiter know that.

However, if you are willing to relocate or you are moving to another city, tell the Hiring Manager.

What’s more, if you are applying for a remote position, including the city and state will make it easier for the recruiter to know which time zone you’re in.

More questions emerged?

We have answered in-depth in our Address on Resume article.

And, here’s a classic example:

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

Simple and on point.

No need for fancy ways to write your address. Make it easy for the recruiter to understand where you are from, without going into too much detail.

Sadly, when it comes to springboard links, many people underestimate them.

However, they are one of the most important and powerful parts of your header.

A springboard link pointing to the right place can help you get the interview.

LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or a personal blog, you name it – all of those resources provide extra details about the work you do and give a greater scope of your professional activity.

Keep in mind to update the information in the link you insert. It should be consistent with your resume. This way you will ensure there are no misunderstandings and confusion.

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

Louis is a marketing expert and he inserted a link to his personal blog in the resume. Now, he can demonstrate his skills in practice.

If you are an art person, everything which casts you in a better light is welcomed. It could be your most treasured projects, or your latest work – the best way to start or update your portfolio.


This is still kind of a controversial topic.

The best thing we can guide you on is to do your own research.

Check the country’s law and the company’s policies. It could turn out that it is forbidden to put a photo on your resume.

However, if it’s allowed, remember to make it professional. Don’t use photos from bars, concerts, restaurants, and any other leisure activities.

Also, make sure you’re the only one in the photo. How can the recruiter guess who you are, if you used a selfie with your three besties?

Alas, make sure it’s not a selfie. Use a professional headshot in business attire. For more info, check our article about photos on resumes here.

What to be wary of when providing your resume contact data

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In certain countries you can’t give some of your personal info, remember that.

Don’t include your marital status, social security number, nationality, or spiritual beliefs in any case.

In fact, in some countries, it is illegal for an employer to ask for these personal details.

It’s also a red flag if a recruiter asked you to say how old you are, whether you have, or plan to have kids. You’d do better to conclude the job application process with this company as soon as possible.

With the Enhancv resume builder, you can craft a resume that blows all other applicants out of the water. From design options to bullet and section suggestions and content writing tips, we’re here to help you land your dream job!

Enhancv How to Put LinkedIn On Your Resume


You nailed the resume contact information and you’re ready for the next challenge.

Name, number, email, address information… Writing them now is a piece of cake.

You go and get the dream job of your life.

But don’t forget the rest of your resume. Don’t send just contact information!


We hope that this article showed you insights for the perfect contact info on your resume. Anything that we miss? Let us know in the comments below.

Make your move!
Your resume is an extension of yourself.
Make one that's truly you.
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Kal Dimitrov
Kaloyan Dimitrov is a resume expert and content manager at Enhancv. He frequently publishes blog posts around resume writing, cover letters & job applications, and authors more than 500 publications on the site. Kaloyan also runs a Career Accelerator Bootcamp for young graduates where he applies his practical knowledge of job applications and writing resumes and educates people on how to present their best selves in front of business representatives. His opinions on resume writing and career development have been featured in Chron., as well as cited by top universities such as Simon Fraser University and UCL.
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