15 Top Career Coaches and Coaching Services to Help You Succeed

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This article lists the best individual career coaches and career coaching services, providing you with everything you need to take your career into your hands.
Pub: 12/16/2022
Upd: 10/21/2024
9 min read

Young professionals benefit from having a career coach in their corner, someone who is ready to provide them with career advice.

Maybe you're just starting out in your career, and you could use a mentor to help you discern ways to have a successful corporate career. Or maybe you're just looking to switch up your career and enter a new field.

Either way, you'll gain valuable advice from speaking with career coaches, who can help you develop strategic career plans to help you succeed.

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In this article, we will discuss:
  • What are career coaches?
  • The top individual career coaches
  • The best career coaching services offered by companies.
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At Enhancv, we offer a career counseling service, which can help you gain cover letter writing and interview skills. Career counseling is a little different from career coaching, as coaching spans a longer period than counseling, yet counseling can offer laser-pointed career help to those who need it in a timely fashion.

What are career coaches?

If you've ever had a mentor speak into your life, then you'll know how important it is to have somebody there to help you build your confidence and help you assess your skills. Career coaches offer long-term support to those who need dedicated career advice.

A good career coach can help underpaid and uninspired professionals to gain a better understanding of how to succeed.

Whether for entry-level jobseekers or those who have been in their field for years, coaches are important for those undergoing a pivotal career transition.

This can be especially important if you're making the jump into senior management roles, and there are many career coaches that offer executive coaching services. Not only do you learn about your own skills and abilities, but you can also gain leadership coaching, strategies to develop communication skills, experience in personal branding, and a better understanding of the corporate world.

The top career coaches

Having a career strategist in your corner can allow you to take that next pivotal step in your career. The list below has many career experts who have a wealth of experience in leading others to access their career goals and helping them start a career change.

1. Gina Visram

Gina Visram is based in the UK and provides one-on-one career coaching to ambitious professionals in need of social mobility, specifically women and ethnic minorities.

She also helps those who are finishing their education and interested in learning more about the job market. As well, she promotes a healthy work/life balance for those that she's coaching and is an advocate for preventing burnout in the workplace.

If you are interested in learning more about her, her podcast, Creative Career Solutions for Parents, offers some of the best career advice available for stay-at-home moms or dads looking to get back in the workplace.

2. Tammy Gooler Loeb

Tammy Gooler Loeb brings a wealth of experience to her coaching, as she has over 20 years of inspiring her clients to have a growth mindset and take control of their own careers.

She is a thought leader and industry expert, having spoken and led workshops and group coaching events throughout her career.

She also has a weekly podcast that provides both practical lessons and stories that can help you to gain a greater understanding of transformational life coaching techniqYourues.

3. Beatrice Kim

Beatrice Kim provides practical career mentoring using transformational life coaching techniques. What makes her unique is her ability to provide holistic coaching techniques, those that include mental health and well-being of those in her care, as well as providing valuable professional advice.

Her main career expertise lies in advising those transitioning to a new career or those who are upgrading their career. If you’re undergoing a slump in your career, or like to make a change, then reach out to Beatrice Kim to gain the confidence you need to take your career to the next level.

4. Adunola Adeshola

Adunola Adeshola is a thought leader on career development, having written columns in Forbes and the New York Times. Her main coaching expertise focuses on helping high-achieving corporate professionals to learn how to "land new jobs they love at companies they love".

Her signature coaching program is aimed at helping those who are experiencing a stagnant career take control of their own careers and find something that they love doing. She has helped her clients gain great jobs at top companies like Vogue, Spotify, Sephora, Google, and LinkedIn.

5. Kyle Elliot

Kyle Elliot is an interview coach who provides tips and tricks to land your dream job. His coaching experience lies mostly in helping highly motivated clients clarify how to break into Silicon Valley and gain high-paying tech jobs.

Kyle Elliot is a professional speaker who has led presentations for Fortune 500 companies, helping them to adapt their hiring methods to the changing dynamics of the post 'Great Resignation' world.

He also helps those who are interviewing for great jobs to get over pre-interview jitters and gain the confidence they need to assess what makes them "fabulous", a unique asset to their future employers.

Jason Treu

What sets Jason Treu apart from other career coaches is his expertise in team development. He is an experienced coach who provides employers with core skills to build up their teams.

Through his coaching, you'll learn innovative techniques to find ambitious professionals and motivate them to join your business. The majority of employees working in the workplace are not motivated and perform their roles at peak performance.

He also offers unique training to individuals and corporations through innovative digital space training models. He offers high-impact training sessions, either in person or remotely, which help to train employers, managers, and human resources departments to maximize employee performance.

6. Tania Mendes

Tania Mendes specializes in helping women become authentic in the workplace, helping them find their dream job in a role that they love. She's pretty candid in her own struggles with working in a job that she felt underappreciated and depleted in, and she leverages her own experience to help jobseekers to gain the confidence to not settle for the first job that comes their way.

She offers a Revamp Career Camp, which is an eight-week course that helps her clients explore what they're passionate about, and gain a better understanding of the beliefs that guide their actions, and she also provides support to those who are looking to recharge after burnout.

7. Nadéjiah Zakiyyah

Nadéjiah Zakiyyah is a career coach specializing in career alignment, helping her clients to gain a better understanding of what makes them unique and how to express their value in the workplace.

Her main expertise lies in helping women of color gain salary negotiation skills to be paid exactly what they're worth.

Nadéjiah Zakiyyah provides coaching programs focused on addressing, "the biggest barriers keeping women stuck in a career crossroads: lack of clarity in the planning, lack of confidence in their branding, and lack of strategy in their job search."

8. Demisha Jennings

Demisha Jennings considers herself to be a "salary amplifier", someone who can help her clients to gain the confidence they need to ask for a raise. She is a master coach who provides tips on how to land jobs, gain career clarity, and delve into professional branding.

One thing that you'll notice about her teaching style is that she's comfortable coaching clients who are both entry-level jobseekers and senior managers, those just starting out in their careers and those who have loads of degrees and experience to back that up.

On her website, you'll find lots of testimonials that offer a glimpse into what you'll gain from a coaching membership with her, including dedicated and personal coaching which can help you get more interview calls for higher-paying jobs.

10. Jenny Logullo

Jenny Logullo is a Gen Z career coach specializing in helping both entry-level professionals and creatives to gain an edge in the job hunt.

As a job search consultant, Jenny Logullo prides herself on her ability to glean insights from one-to-one conversations with her clients. In those coaching sessions, she leads her clients to understand their own personal branding and how that fits within the wider marketplace.

She also focuses on mental health topics and burnout in the workplace, helping our clients overcome issues that they had in the past.

The best career coaching services offered by companies

11. A Path That Fits

A Path That Fits is a coaching business that has over a decade of experience working with clients, offering dedicated career coaching services which feature both group counseling and one-on-one counseling. What makes them unique is their ability to provide interview preparation remotely or in person if you're able to meet at their San Francisco offices.

They have a 5/5 rating on Yelp with over 142 reviews. If you don't feel like the services that they offer are working for you, then they offer a money-back guarantee for group coaching services.

12. Be Productive Coaching

In 2013, Vimari Roman created Be Productive Coaching as a way to provide a wide range of career and life coaching services for their clients. Vimari Roman received the Global Certificate in Leadership Coaching, and with the wide range of experience that she and her team have, they're able to provide unique training that other career coaching services cannot offer.

In fact, they offer training on personal branding, avoiding burnout, and career advancement. They also have a career success coach with over 20 years of experience.

13. LinkedIn Services Marketplace

Another helpful place to find career advice, LinkedIn Services Marketplace, offers a unique business insider expertise to jobseekers. Whether you need advice on resume writing, interviewing, or how to gain the confidence to apply to your dream jobs, you have the ability to speak with an individual career coach who can set you up for success.

LinkedIn uses a unique network of freelance career coaches, and what makes this great is that you'll be able to find someone who can speak to your level of expertise or may have a similar career story.

14. Coaching 4 Good

Whether you're one of the many career changers out there or a recent graduate looking to enter the workforce, Coaching 4 Good offers services to help you out.

They offer a free first consultation, which can allow you to decide whether it is right for you. Their website states that "We take a human-centered yet highly scientific and measurable approach."

15. The Muse

With the Muse, you have the power to pick your own career coach, which is pretty awesome! On their website, you can find many career coaches listed, and you can pick one that fits your unique background. It's always good to have somebody that understands you, your unique skills, abilities, and experiences.

They also offer three different types of coaches for you to pick from at different rates. This allows flexibility when choosing a career coach. Whether you're looking for a mentor or a master's career coach, you can find exactly what you need on their website.


  • The best career coaches are those who work alongside you, helping you to define your own personal brand and gain the confidence to ask for the salary that you're worth.
  • Some career coaches offer services that can help you ace your job interviews, while others are more focused on negotiating salaries while job searching.
  • You may find it easier to have a career coach share some of the same background and experiences you do, as they can provide more specific details to speak about your career ambition.

Whether you're new to the workplace or a seasoned professional, if you're interested in gaining some help with your job search, speak to a career counselor at Enhancv. Our counselors can provide dedicated interview preparation to help you set up several job interviews and ace them.

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