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Strong Team management skills: Example Usage on Resume, Skill Set and Top Keywords in 2024

Here are the top ways to show your team management skills on your resume. Find out relevant team management keywords and phrases and build your resume today.

Pub: 11/27/2019
Upd: 10/21/2024
8 min read
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What are team management skills?

Team management is a complex coordination of teamwork, communication, goal setting, and performance evaluation. This process is controlled by a team manager who coordinates a group of individuals to complete a certain task. The team manager also addresses any problems or resolves conflicts at the workplace.

A good team manager communicates clearly and is an approachable person. He or she is available for questions and discussions with employees and has high emotional intelligence that helps in solving problems. A leader understands the hearts and minds of co-workers.

The successful team manager is a highly organized person. He or she also knows how to delegate tasks and how to choose the right person for a particular task. Analytical thinking is a must for the position because it is the main tool in evaluating and solving problems.

A manager must have the courage to take decisions, even unpopular ones, for the greater good. A skilled leader knows how to create a positive and transparent working space and be there for the team, but also knows when to draw a line.

Of course, there are different sets of skills needed according to the management style of the organization such as autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, etc., and the method of choice for the team management such as command and control, create and engage or econ 101. Make sure to research thoroughly the organization that you choose to apply for and emphasize the skills that will make sense for them.

If you wonder what econ 101 is, then the perfect example is Henry Ford, who solved an HR problem by doubling wages.

Why are team management skills important on your resume?

If you are applying for a managerial position, no matter how good job proficiency you possess in your industry, you will not be invited for an interview by the HR officer if you do not show proof of team management skills.

The reason for this is that no matter how well you understand the company's product and production processes, if you are unable to lead a team in a way that will make the best of all team members' skills, then the results will be average.

No employer needs just another employee to try to coordinate co-workers. They need people who can take charge and be the leaders that will help a group of employees to become a coherent unit that completes tasks. The hiring company will only consider applicants that demonstrate team management skills.

What traits, skills, and abilities help you demonstrate strong team management skills on your resume?"?

  • People skills / HR skills: this is the ability to find, recognize, motivate, retain talent, and be able to distribute tasks to the right people. How and whom to delegate work is a masterful skill sought after by all employers. Micromanagement is not desirable in most organizations. Be sure that your subordinates have all the necessary resources to do their job.
  • Be clear and precise: as a good team leader, you have to be an efficient and consistent communicator. You need to be able to convey a simple message to the employees. Always avoid confusion by explaining processes in detail. The able manager is also giving sufficient and timely feedback to his subordinates so that they can easily align their work to the company's goals.
  • Emotional intelligence: the best way to motivate employees and to solve conflict is to truly understand their hearts and souls. To achieve this you need to be aware of the personal situation and feelings of each employee and to understand them. You need to be empathetic and have the ability to manage your emotions as well as those of your co-workers. An empathetic manager always increases job satisfaction at the workplace. It is also very important that you are an approachable person and your employees know that they can talk to you.
  • Be organized: If you are not organized then the whole team will follow. You have to understand that you have responsibility for the performance of every person on the team. How will you be able to organize people if you are not able to organize yourself? You need to be a skilled planner and organizer to work with schedules, budgets, timelines, etc. A good organization always increases productivity.
  • Be a problem solver: No matter how well prepared you and your team are, problems will come. This is where analytical thinking skills and proactive behavior help.
  • Taking charge: A manager is a leader, not just an administrator and each leader must make decisions, establish priority, allocate resources, etc. You need to be empowered and responsible. Again critical thinking skills are a must in the decision-making process.
  • Command respect: the best managers serve their teams rather than manage them. They lead through example. They can communicate properly and unite the team around a common goal. They are also aware of their ego and do not think that they know it all. They listen, they are transparent and they try to encourage the personal growth of individual employees. But a good team leader also knows when to draw the line. You need to establish yourself as an authority figure and be ready to take disciplinary measures if needed. Your subordinates must very well understand the concept of your position and know where the boundaries are.

How to demonstrate strong management skills on your resume

  • Use keywords such as “organized”, “developed”, “supported”, “created”, “analyzed”, “improved”, “optimized”, “solved”
  • Make sure to describe what teams you managed, what number of people, and important tasks you completed with them
  • Add if you were responsible for hiring, training, and employee retention. If you decreased employee turnover do not forget to specify by what percentage.
  • List any techniques of team management that you applied and how they helped you improve the team's capacity and results.
  • Mention any major crises that you addressed
  • List specific courses, certificates, and trainings that you have
  • List processes that you improved and systems and workflows that you established
  • List tools that you can use that help you be better organized

The management styles and methods are many and differ from company to company and even from department to department. To be able to create a perfect resume you will need to research the company you apply for and to determine what management processes they use. You need to emphasize these in your resume. The research will also help you to find out if the company is the right fit for your managerial style and personality and if you will be able to show your full potential there.

Below you will find relevant examples that will help you start:

Example 1: Show your team management skills in your experience bullet points

Project Manager
New York, NY
  • Introduced an expense tracking strategy to stay within yearly budget goals which reduced business costs by $1.2M.
  • Developed strong cross-functional relationships with big clients and stakeholders across different levels of the business.
  • Lead monthly meetings with 8 project teams to identify challenges and resolve software development issues.
  • Conducted post product launch evaluation to identify successful software features and find ways to improve on them

Software project manager resume example taken from from: 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Example 2: Demonstrate team management skills in your resume summary

Project manager with 11years experience in the healthcare sector. Developed detailed project timelines and proposed new solutions that lead to an 8% growth in annual revenue. Built solid relationships with +20 clients to ensure quality customer service and lean product development. Seeking a project manager position to improve profits and revenue at Progyny.

Healthcare sector project manager resume example taken from : 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Example 3: Use your achievements to make the point

Key Achievements
Developed the most popular email service
Redesigned Gmail which has 1.5B+ active users
Secured $2M in funding for Uber
After pitching Uber's idea to change the world of shared commuting at StartUp Expo 2012

Software development project manager resume example taken from: 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

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Top related skills to strong team management skills:

Team management skills: key takeaways for your resume

  • Team management skills are vital on your resume because if the position you apply for contains “management” in its job title these are the core skills required to perform the job.
  • Do not just mention that you have team management skills. Show the HR officer through your achievements that you have mastered these skills.
  • Be clear. Try to use action and power verbs.
  • Make sure you know the management style of the company and emphasize skills they will value.
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Make one that's truly you.
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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He applies his deep knowledge and experience to write about a career change, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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