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37 Product Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your product manager resume must showcase a deep understanding of market needs and user experience. Clearly highlight your ability to translate those insights into successful products. Demonstrate your proficiency in cross-functional leadership and agile project management. Your resume should reflect your track record of delivering products on time and within budget.

All resume examples in this guide

You’ve spent your career building product roadmaps and presenting them to stakeholders. You’ve even studied Agile methodologies and UX design, expanding your abilities for project and design work professionally.

But now it’s time for a different kind of project: writing a resume for your next product manager job.

Whether you want to get an interview at your dream FAANG or have set your sights on a small startup, you’ll need to make sure your product manager resume is eye-catching for recruiters.

In this guide, you'll find product manager resume examples together with advice and best practices. We'll help you bring your most important accomplishments forward and choose content wisely, so there's no wasted space.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to best demonstrate the value of your skills as a product manager
  • The top hard and soft skills that companies want to see
  • How to make up for lack of experience in your resume if you’re just starting out

If a product manager isn’t exactly the right position you’re looking for, here are some related resume guides from Enhancv:

If these examples prove helpful, make sure to adapt them to your experience. Next, we'll examine the effective techniques used in product manager resumes.

Product manager resume examples

Here’s what this applicant does well in their resume:

  • Leadership in product innovation and strategy: The resume highlights a consistent record of launching successful products, such as a financial data integration platform at Plaid, demonstrating the applicant's ability to lead innovation and drive product strategy effectively.
  • Cross-functional team management: It showcases the ability to manage cross-functional teams, including engineers and designers, to deliver projects on time and under budget, emphasizing strong leadership and project management skills.
  • Quantifiable achievements: The resume effectively quantifies achievements, like increasing market penetration by 25% and improving customer satisfaction scores by 40%, which concretely demonstrates the impact of the applicant's work.

Continue reading to discover the right format for effectively showcasing this important information about your product management experience.

How to format a product manager resume

Choosing the right resume format is crucial for showcasing your product management skills and experience effectively. You have three main options for organizing a product manager resume:

  • Reverse chronological resume: Perfect for those with extensive experience in product management, this format lists your past jobs starting from the most recent and working backward.
  • Functional resume: This format is excellent if you're new to product management, transitioning careers, just starting out, or have gaps in your employment history. It emphasizes your skills over your past job roles.
  • Hybrid resume: Combining the strengths of both chronological and functional formats, the hybrid resume allows you to show your most relevant skills and accomplishments at the beginning, followed by a concise job history. This is really effective for underlining experiences that are directly relevant to the product manager role you are aiming for.

To catch the eye of recruiters, structure your resume into clear sections following these guidelines:

Resume design for product managers

Header information

PDF is best for product managers' resumes because it keeps the layout consistent and is compatible with ATS.

If you are unsure about your product manager resume, use our free AI checker. It reviews 16 key points to improve it and help you get more interviews.

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Don’t let all your hard work be for nothing! Check out these common resume mistakes and be sure to steer clear of them.

Remember to showcase the key sections of your product manager resume.

Curious about these key sections?

Let's dive in and discover them!

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The top sections on a product manager resume:

  • Professional summary: Important to quickly outline qualifications and what the candidate can bring to the role of product manager.
  • Key skills & competencies: Vital to highlight relevant hard and soft skills, preferred methodologies and any technical proficiency required.
  • Product management experience: This illustrates previous roles held, emphasizing duties and achievements that directly relate to product management.
  • Educational qualifications: Though experience is crucial, noting education and certifications can showcase foundations in business, management, or technology.
  • References or referee details: Having credible references from past roles or academic experiences can further establish a candidate's capability and reliability for the product manager role.

If you're struggling to fit all your experience into a one-page resume, explore best practices for two-page resumes. If your product manager resume extends beyond the optimal two-page length, it's advisable to refine the content. Focus on eliminating any information that doesn't directly contribute to illustrating your qualifications and aligning with recruiters' specific interests in a PM candidate. Highlight the skills and experiences that matter most to recruiters.

Let's get into the details.

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What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven experience in product management: Recruiters prioritize this as it demonstrates you have a clear understanding of what the role involves and have successfully performed in a similar capacity previously.
  • Understanding of market competition: This shows your ability to evaluate the market landscape and make strategic decisions for the product.
  • Technical proficiency: This is important as many products are tech-oriented and require understanding the technical aspects to effectively manage and lead a team.
  • Excellent communication skills: Product managers need to communicate effectively with different teams, therefore recruiters prioritize this to ensure the success of cross-functional collaboration.
  • Proficiency in data analysis: This skill shows your capability to analyze user behavior, market trends, and other useful data, to make informed decisions and strategies about the product.

Aim to write an experience section that strikes the right balance between brevity and detail yet highlights your professional value.

Keep reading!

Next, we'll outline effective and ineffective practices.

How to write experience section on your product manager resume

A strong product manager's resume experience section will show measurable accomplishments and steady career growth.

Having a career trajectory that goes from startups to FAANG makes you a good candidate, but recruiters will want to see how you got there, the goals you achieved and what you did for the company.

When writing your experience section, stick to three to four bullets beneath each role and focus on specific examples that demonstrate your success. This is even more important when applying for a job as IT product manager.

Product Manager
Ambroise Solutions Inc.
Ottawa, ON
Workforce management system for restaurants.
  • Received product feedback from customer interviews
  • Planned out the product roadmap
  • Presented market assessments to executives
  • Collaborated with the marketing and development teams

What doesn’t work in this example:

  • Bullets list general responsibilities
  • No mention of achievements

This candidate’s experience section is essentially just a basic description of responsibilities for their product manager role. This doesn’t bring much value to recruiters, and it will blend in with the hundreds of other resumes they’re sorting through.

Your achievements are more valuable than your responsibilities. Hiring managers want to know that you will contribute to the company’s bottom line with your exceptional product management skills.

Let’s take a look at how to convey that in your experience section.

Product Manager
Ambroise Solutions Inc.
Ottawa, ON
Workforce management system for restaurants.
  • Achieved 40% product revenue growth in three months by planning and launching four new key features
  • Improved user activation rate by 200% and boosted conversions to premium plans by 60% by strategizing and implementing a new user onboarding flow
  • Conducted 500+ customer interviews for product feedback, with suggested improvements leading to a 99.6% customer satisfaction level
  • Presented market research, competitive positioning, pricing and revenue models to key stakeholders

What works in this example:

  • Includes measurable data
  • Specific examples show positive impact

Now the hiring manager is ready to call you for an interview!

By using real percentages and statistics to back up your claims, you will stand out from other candidates.

Quantitative data adds more trust and confidence in your resume and your abilities.

It’s also important to carefully curate what experience you show. If you have the good problem of too many achievements to choose from, include the ones that make you most qualified for your target job. Too many statistics overwhelm the reader.

For more ideas on how to create an actionable resume experience section, check out our guide How to Describe Your Resume Work Experience.

It’s worth mentioning that Enhancv provides professionally designed, ATS-friendly resume templates that can be useful.

Let’s delve further into this topic.

How to quantify impact on your resume

Product managers must emphasize the quantifiable outcomes of their strategic efforts on product advancement and market strength. Consider the following tailored advice:

  • Include the number of projects you have managed
  • Detail the size of the teams you have led
  • Specify the budget you have managed for a project
  • Quantify sales or revenue growth achieved through your products
  • Mention the number of products you've successfully launched
  • Specify any percentage increase in product user engagement

Even without direct product management experience, these points can illustrate your capability. They show how you can significantly contribute to product advancement and market positioning.

How do I write a product manager resume with no experience

Excited about starting a career in product management but worried about your lack of work experience? Fear not—there are entry-level positions designed to welcome newcomers like you. Let us assist you in crafting a resume that highlights your untapped potential. Your unique background can bring fresh perspectives and skills crucial for product management.

Here's how to structure it:

  • Educational insights: Begin by emphasizing your educational achievements, especially focusing on any courses or certifications related to product management or related fields to lay down a solid knowledge base.
  • Value beyond experience: Include sections on projects, volunteer activities, or freelance work that relate to product management or demonstrate relevant skills. These experiences showcase your ability to contribute value from day one.
  • Transferable skills highlight: In the experience section, accentuate transferable skills such as communication, creativity, analytical thinking, and project management. These are vital for a product manager and illustrate your readiness for the role.
  • Practical engagements: Mention any internships or academic projects that involve product management tasks, even if unpaid. These experiences provide tangible evidence of your practical skills in the field.

For entry-level product managers lacking work experience, your new perspective and degree are valuable starting points. It's important to remember that personal qualities are just as essential as technical skills.

We'll show you how to effectively highlight your hard and soft skills, emphasizing your potential despite having no experience.

How to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume

When adding skills to your product manager resume, there are a few best practices to follow.

Read the job description for your target role and tailor your skill section accordingly.

When looking at your skills section, recruiters are mainly interested in technical skills. They want to know immediately whether you have the hard skills needed for the job.

Soft skills are important for product managers to have but may require more context. For example, use your experience section to show off your communication skills by presenting to satisfied stakeholders.

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Best hard skills for your product manager resume

  • Product roadmaps
  • Agile methodologies (Scrum and Kanban)
  • Financial modeling
  • Product pricing
  • Create go-to-market launch plans
  • User onboarding strategy
  • Software engineering
  • Analyzing product metrics for growth and troubleshooting
  • Conducting customer interviews
  • UX and UI design
  • Prioritizing features based on user feedback and metrics
  • Demo Skills (e.g. PowerPoint)

A common mistake in the skills section is that candidates will add every technical skill and platform they’ve ever interacted with.

Technical expertise is not usually required of PMs, but an interview may include technical questions to see how well you can communicate with engineers and developers.

You don’t want to be caught in a lie by listing coding languages on your resume and then giving a blank stare when asked a basic question about them. It’s best to include the top skills that you’re confident in.

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Best soft skills for your product manager resume

  • Communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Presenting to key stakeholders
  • Leadership
  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Project management
  • Collaboration with cross-functional teams
  • Research (market and competitive)
  • Risk management
  • Presentational skills

For more examples on stand-out skills sections, read our Resume Skills Section That Impress guide.

Adding relevant certifications to your resume is also a strategic move to highlight your skills, crucial for any product manager seeking new opportunities.

How to list your certifications and education on your resume

A resume for a product manager isn't complete without a detailed education section and relevant certifications. The education section is vital, showcasing your foundational knowledge and specialized training in product management.

Below is an excellent example of how to effectively present your educational background on your resume.

Master of Science in Nursing (Critical Care)
Johns Hopkins University
  • Specialized Coursework: Advanced clinical practices in critical care nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
University of California, Los Angeles
  • Core Modules: Patient care technologies, critical care procedures, and emergency response techniques

Earning a degree in business, technology, or a related field showcases your commitment to grasping complex product management principles. Each academic accomplishment signals to employers your ability to manage significant responsibilities in product development and market strategy environments.

Below is the optimal method to display your educational background and certifications on your resume for a product management role.

Ensuring every section of your resume is thorough is crucial, but for a product manager, a compelling summary is essential to direct recruiters' attention to the most significant aspects of your product management experience.

How to write your product manager resume summary or objective

Start your product manager resume with a strong summary to capture recruiters' interest, focusing on your product management skills and experience.

Keep your summary concise, around three sentences, to quickly showcase your qualifications and alignment with job requirements, including relevant keywords.

For product managers, a summary is more effective than an objective statement, providing a brief overview of your professional background and expertise.

Consult our guide for creating an engaging resume summary specifically designed for the product manager role.

As a product manager, I have experience in diverse business environments, handling a range of product development tasks. Familiar with multiple project management tools, my role primarily involved steering product strategy and execution. I've contributed to product lifecycle management and collaborated with cross-functional teams on various projects. Seeking to leverage these foundational skills in a new product management position.

This summary is a bad example for several reasons:

  • Lacks specificity in skills and accomplishments relevant to product management.
  • Missing quantifiable results to demonstrate impact.
  • Uses vague language, omitting strategic responsibilities.
  • Ignores critical technical and analytical product management skills.
  • Lacks industry-specific knowledge or experience.
As a Product Manager with over 9 years of experience in dynamic tech environments, I've led product development and strategy, increasing user engagement by 30% and boosting revenue growth by 20%. Skilled in leveraging advanced analytics tools, I've guided teams in adopting data-driven approaches that enhanced product performance by 25%. Eager to apply my expertise and proven track record in driving product success to a challenging new role.

This summary stands out for multiple reasons:

  • Demonstrates measurable achievements in engagement and revenue.
  • Highlights data-driven decision-making skills.
  • Emphasizes leadership in team guidance.
  • Shows adaptability in fast-paced settings.
  • Focuses on significant product improvements.
  • Indicates motivation for new challenges in product management.

Additional sections for a product manager resume

Recruiters read hundreds of resumes every day, many of which are unoriginal and repetitive.

No two people or career paths are exactly alike, so why not make your resume unique?

Showing hiring managers what you’re most proud of will make you stand out from other candidates and inject a little of your personality into your resume.

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Recruiters and hiring managers are far more likely to remember you if you seem like a genuine person and not a robot. Do this by including your passions, sharing your favorite books, or even the words you live by.

For Product Manager roles, emphasizing both technical and soft skills is vital. Include these sections in your resume:

  • Courses: Demonstrates continuous learning in product management and related fields.
  • Volunteer work: Showcases leadership and teamwork skills developed in non-work settings.
  • Awards: Recognizes achievements and excellence in product management or related areas.
  • Passions: Mention your personal hobbies and interests outside the office, like reading or hiking. They underscore your creativity and enthusiasm for product management, matching well with a company’s culture.

How to put a Projects section on a network engineer resume

Typically, hiring managers and executives like to see direct examples of your work. They need to determine if your approach to product management and your strategic capabilities are a good fit for their ongoing projects.

Here’s an example:

Digital Product Innovation Initiative
Tech Solutions Inc.
Managed a comprehensive digital product innovation project, focusing on market-driven strategies and user-centric design to enhance business operations and expand product offerings.
  • Led a major initiative to develop and launch a suite of digital products, increasing market share by 40% within a highly competitive sector.
  • Directed cross-functional teams in a user-centered design process, ensuring product features aligned with customer needs and market trends.
  • Implemented agile project management practices to streamline product development cycles, resulting in a 30% faster time-to-market for new features.

Key takeaways

  • Craft a strong resume summary that captures recruiters' attention by concisely presenting your product management skills, experience, and key accomplishments.
  • Use quantitative data to back up your claims about your accomplishments. Did you improve revenue with a new product launch? Use real numbers to show your impact.
  • Include a mix of soft and hard skills on your resume, and mirror the same keywords and phrases that are listed in the job description.
  • To write an entry-level product manager resume, highlight your side projects, education, and skills to prove your passion and potential.

This guide shows the basics of writing a modern and effective product manager resume. We hope you find our techniques useful and will use them wisely when creating your resume. Let us know when you get the job you love!

Product Manager resume examples

Explore additional product manager resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

By Experience

Product Manager Intern

Being an intern in product management mainly involves gaining hands-on experience and learning the ropes. Highlight any academic or personal projects that involved product development practices, such as Agile or Scrum methodologies. Place emphasis on team-based work, demonstrating relevant collaborative skills. If you possess any software development skills, include them in your application. Illustrate how these skills could be beneficial in a product development environment.
View Product Manager Intern Resume

Entry-Level Product Manager

Entry level resumes can be intimidating for any industry. How do you fill a product manager resume with little to product manager experience?

Here are a few tips to follow when writing an entry-level product manager resume:

  • Pull experience from places other than work history. If you’re a fresh graduate, odds are you don’t have much work experience. If you’ve done internships, great. You can also include projects, training, and relevant courses.
  • Keep your contact info professional. Now that you’re entering the workforce, you’ll want to shed that “.edu” email address and choose a professional name. Stick to some version of your real name - your initials, first name, and last initial, first initial and last name, etc.

Senior Product Manager

Senior Product Managers are not your typical executives, and specific experience and even the way you frame your experience in a Senior Product Manager resume can go a long way.

Below are some tips to increase your chances of a successful application for a Senior Product Manager job:

  • Frame your experience as ROI-driven. Senior Product Managers are here to make an impact. If you attach your work to tangible results, you’ll gain an extreme advantage over candidates that list all possible clichés on their resumes and hope for the best.

Remember, a targeted resume approach works best when combined with business outcomes for a particular industry or product.

  • Double down on strategic skills. Things like “product strategy”, “global technical debt”, or “milestone deliverables” are no empty boast to senior product managers. It’s what they are paid to do.
View Senior Product Manager Resume

Junior Product Manager

For a Junior Product Manager role, emphasize any entry-level experience you have in product management. This includes internships or relevant academic projects. Show your understanding of fundamental product management tools and methodologies like Agile or Scrum. If you've had unique contributions to a product or a successful project, be sure to include them.
View Junior Product Manager Resume

Director of Product Management

A Director of Product Management should underscore their strategic oversight and mastery in leading product teams. It's crucial to detail your experience in setting and achieving long-term product goals, and how you've influenced broader business strategies. Mention any technical skills and methodologies you're proficient in, like Agile or Scrum, that have bolstered your leadership effectiveness. If you've driven noteworthy growth or have met significant product milestones, these should be prominently highlighted on your resume.

VP of Product Management

The role of a VP of Product Management demands extensive experience in product strategy and a sharp focus on execution. Highlight your successful management of diverse product lines and your ability to drive product vision that aligns with business objectives. Showcase your proficiency in Agile, Scrum, or other relevant methodologies that have enhanced your leadership capabilities. Emphasize any organizational transformations or strategic shifts you have led that resulted in significant product achievements.

By Role

Google Product Manager

Do you aim to become a Google Product Manager? Highlight your strongest technical skills and! Google highly values those with experience in AI, ML, and data science. If it applies, explain your familiarity with Google's suite of products. Demonstrably successful product launches or enhancements, along with agile or the 'Google Design Sprint' methodology will surely catch a recruiter's eye.
View Google Product Manager Resume

Amazon Product Manager

The Amazon Product Manager role often involves managing complex, data-intensive products. Include on your resume any experience with big data and ML technologies. Amazon appreciates results-oriented professionals, so use numbers and metrics to substantiate the impact of your past work. Familiarity with Amazon's product line and its unique customer-centric approach could also be a selling point.
View Amazon Product Manager Resume

Agile Product Manager

Depending on your interests and experience, you might want to focus on a specific nice. Fortunately, there’s always a demand for experts in systems like Agile methodologies.

Read below for a few tips on writing an Agile product manager resume:

  • It’s okay if there’s some variety in your job titles. Even if you’re experienced in Agile, it may not be the focus of every role you’ve ever had. If that’s the case, tailor the experience to fit job-specific skills.
  • Include outside skills like languages. This resume example shows the addition of a language section. If you speak more than one language, this can be a big advantage. Especially if you will be collaborating with international partners and stakeholders. Do a bit of research on your target company and see what unexpected skills might be useful.
View Agile Product Manager Resume

AI Product Manager

For AI Product Manager positions, emphasize any experience or education you have in AI or ML. Describe your technical skills and how you've leveraged these in the AI product lifecycle. Use specific examples to show how your involvement led to user growth or engagement. Don't forget to include any experience with Agile, Scrum, or similar methodologies.
View AI Product Manager Resume

Api Product Manager

The Api Product Manager role requires strong technical skills. Specifically emphasize on your knowledge of API design and development. Convey your experience in managing API-related products or projects, don’t forget to add specific achievements or outcomes. Add your proficiency in Agile, Scrum, or similar development methodologies.
View Api Product Manager Resume

Assistant Product Manager

If you're applying as an Assistant Product Manager, it would be beneficial to highlight any experience, however limited, you have in product management. Emphasize your technical skills and your understanding of product management methodologies like Agile, Scrum, or Kanban. Mention any small product projects you've led and their outcomes.
View Assistant Product Manager Resume

Associate Product Manager

Paradoxically, recruiters can be very picky when it comes to entry-level product managers jobs. The reason is simple: they realize that people in these positions will grow into future company leaders.

Below are some tips to give yourself some competitive edge when applying for Associate Product Manager jobs:

  • Compensate lack of experience with skills. Recruiters are always looking for hidden gems in entry-level candidates. But the key word here is relevance.

If you’re applying for a data-driven company, make sure to mention your data mining or data modeling skills to get an edge. If you’re applying for a less technical company, show soft skills in a real-world context, e.g. “led university presentations class for a year” in your skills section.

  • Feature side projects relevant to the job. Frankly, anything can be labeled as a “project” these days, and that’s why it becomes so important to mention only projects relevant to the job application.

Also, make sure to include two key components when describing your projects to stand out: managerial qualities and tangible impact.

View Associate Product Manager Resume

B2B Product Manager

The B2B Product Manager role often requires a good understanding of business strategies and needs, therefore include any relevant experience. Demonstrate your technical acumen and ability to dialogue with technical teams. Mention your experience with Agile or Scrum methodologies and show results that highlight how you effectively managed B2B products and drove growth.
View B2B Product Manager Resume

Creative Product Manager

A Creative Product Manager should illustrate how creativity is applied in the management process. Highlight any innovative ideas you've executed in previous roles and the success they brought to the product. Show your technical skills, any knowledge of Agile or Scrum could be beneficial. Be sure to include instances where your creative initiatives coincided with technical strategy.

Data Product Manager

A Data Product Manager should have proficiency in data analytics and database tools. Emphasize your experiences in dealing with large datasets and ability to derive insights from them. Show your technical skills and Agile or Scrum methodology knowledge. Be sure to share results that highlight your successful management of data related products.
View Data Product Manager Resume

Digital Product Manager

A Digital Product Manager should showcase any experience with digital applications or products. Highlight your technical skills and knowledge of digital trends. Add your proficiency in Agile, Scrum, or other development methodologies. Use specific bullets to highlight successful digital products you’ve launched, managed, or enhanced.
View Digital Product Manager Resume

Ecommerce Product Manager

An Ecommerce Product Manager requires a mix of retail knowledge and technical skills. Include any experience you have with ecommerce platforms or digital marketing tools. Show your capability in Agile or Scrum methodologies. If you've successfully driven ecommerce product performance, be sure to quantify it with measurable metrics on your application.
View Ecommerce Product Manager Resume

Growth Product Manager

A Growth Product Manager should highlight their analytical skills and experience with growth strategies. Mention any technical abilities you have that helped drive growth in previous roles. Agile or Scrum methodology experience should also be included. If you've achieved specific growth metrics, be sure to include those on your resume.
View Growth Product Manager Resume

Healthcare Product Manager

For Healthcare Product Manager roles, demonstrate knowledge of healthcare technology and regulations. Emphasize relevant technical skills and any experience managing healthcare-related products. Whatever development practices you have used, such as Agile or Scrum, should not be left out from your application. Be sure to convey how your product management skills have impacted healthcare outcomes.
View Healthcare Product Manager Resume

IT Product Manager

An IT product manager has most of the same responsibilities as a PM, but IT program managers work more closely with technical tasks.

If you’re going down the path of an IT product manager, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t get too hung up on statistics. This may seem in opposition to everything else in this guide, but it is possible to include too many numbers and figures. You always want to give specific examples, but too many stats make the reader lose focus. Aim to strike a balance between the two.
  • Tailor your skills to your target job. The candidate in this resume example cites communications technology in the summary as their industry. Sometimes it pays to pick a niche within a niche. A communications technology company will pick your resume out of the sea of generic IT product manager resumes.

Principal Product Manager

For a Principal Product Manager, prior experience running complex, multi-layered products or projects is crucial. Enumerate the measurable product-related success of your past revamps. Reflect on your proficiency in Agile, Scrum, or other methodologies. Include evidence of your past roles demonstrating leadership and rejuvenation of product teams.
View Principal Product Manager Resume

SaaS Product Manager

In a SaaS Product Manager role, employers favor proficiency in cloud-based technologies. Highlight any experience you have with SaaS platforms or software. Agile or Scrum experience should be part of your application. Mention results that indicate your successful management of SaaS products, including customer numbers, satisfaction rates, or product adoption metrics.
View SaaS Product Manager Resume

Software Product Manager

In a way, the Product manager position emerged from the software engineering field. Hence, why software engineering trends tend to affect global product management trends.

The following tips will help you more successfully apply for Product Manager jobs in the software industry:

  • Experience with non-technical software development practices is paramount. Agile, Scrum, Kanban, DevOps, extreme programming. Entire companies and teams are built and rebuilt following specific development practices.

Make sure to feature relevant Agile experience and skills, or you risk getting sidetracked too early in the process.

  • Prioritize the technical background that impacts the product. A big chunk of great software product managers came from software backgrounds, so make sure to feature your technical skills and how they affected the product's performance all throughout your resume.

Don’t simply list technical skills. Demonstrate how they helped you improve the product and its performance, e.g. “reduced technical debt with…”, “improved customer satisfaction after…” and so on. Follow the “skill-action-results” pattern.

Tech Product Manager

A Tech Product Manager should display a strong technical background, with emphasis on working with software or hardware. Highlight your Agile, Scrum, or other relevant methodology experience. Show how your tech-savvy mindset has led to product success. Mention any tech innovations you've implemented, and their measurable impact.

Technical Product Manager

There is some overlap with technical product managers and software product managers. If you have a strong engineer or developer background and are looking to become a PM, this might be a good place to start.

Here are a few things to note when writing a technical product manager resume:

  • Lean into your tech background. If you’re an expert programmer and have lent a hand in the launch of any apps, include that in your skills and experience. This can work in your favor if you’re still transitioning into product management.
  • Don’t forget soft skills. It can be easy to leave out soft skills when you’re putting so much effort into getting the technical skills right. As a TPM, you will be exercising some soft skills and companies will want to see how. Take the opportunity to show off your communication or problem-solving skills.
View Technical Product Manager Resume

Chief Product Officer

The role of a Chief Product Officer commands deep product management experience and strategic thinking. Showcase your track record of success in managing large product portfolios. Demonstrate your expertise in Agile, Scrum, or other methodologies. Highlight any changes you've implemented at an organizational level that led to product success.
View Chief Product Officer Resume

FAANG Product Manager

If you have built a career coming up through FAANGs, there are plenty of reasons to want to stay there. You can learn a lot in major tech companies and each one has something different to offer.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when writing your FAANG resume:

  • Think about what makes you unique and consider finding a place for it. Recruiters for FAANGs especially see hundreds of resumes a day. Consider what would make a major company want to hire you over everyone else. Have you worked on a major project? Had something published on the subject? Traveled the world for work?
  • Don’t forget the basics. FAANGs are major companies for a reason. There is a lot of structure built on a strong foundation. Choose the operating systems and technical skills that you’re confident in. FAANGs want skilled employees who will benefit the company.

Lead Product Manager

A Lead Product Manager should emphasize their strategic leadership and ability to orchestrate complex product roadmaps. Be sure to showcase your expertise in driving product vision and cross-functional collaboration. Highlight any experience with Agile or Scrum methodologies, as these are crucial for steering dynamic teams. If you have concrete examples of successful product launches or significant market impact, make those accomplishments a focal point on your resume.

Product Marketing Manager

The role of a Product Marketing Manager demands substantial expertise in market analysis and strategic positioning. Showcase your track record of successfully launching and promoting products. Demonstrate your knowledge of Agile, Scrum, or other methodologies that have supported your marketing campaigns. Highlight any significant changes you've championed that have improved product visibility and market penetration, directly contributing to the success of your products.

Product Portfolio Manager

A Product Portfolio Manager should show strong skills in managing various products at the same time, focusing on aligning strategies and improving the portfolio. Be sure to mention your experience with Agile, Scrum, or other important methods that have helped you manage more effectively. Explain how your strategic methods have led to successful products. Also, highlight any new ideas or changes you've made across the product range and how these have positively impacted the business.

Regional Product Manager

A Regional Product Manager should highlight their expertise in managing products across different markets. Emphasize your skills in understanding regional market trends and customer needs. Mention any technical abilities that have helped tailor products to specific regions. Experience with Agile or Scrum methodologies should also be included. If you've achieved specific regional sales targets or market expansions, be sure to include those on your resume.

Group Product Manager

A Group Product Manager should highlight their leadership skills and experience managing multiple product lines. Mention any technical abilities that have helped optimize product performance across teams. Agile or Scrum methodology experience should also be included. If you've achieved specific success metrics, like revenue growth or market share increases, be sure to include those on your resume.

Product Development Manager

A Product Development Manager should display a strong technical background in software or hardware innovation. Highlight your expertise in Agile and Scrum methodologies that have sped up development and improved product quality. Detail specific technological innovations you've led, like AI integration or energy-efficient designs, and their direct benefits, such as enhanced user engagement or cost reductions.

Global Product Manager

A Global Product Manager should highlight a strong technical background in adapting software or hardware for international markets. Emphasize your Agile and Scrum expertise, crucial for managing global rollouts. Demonstrate how your tech innovations, like software localization or hardware regional adaptation, have directly boosted international market share and improved user experiences.

Product Operations Manager

A Product Operations Manager should highlight a strong technical background in software or hardware efficiencies. Detail your expertise in Agile and Scrum methodologies that have sped up production and reduced time to market. Mention specific tech innovations you've implemented, such as advanced automation tools and real-time analytics systems, and their direct impacts, like significantly lowered production costs and faster product launches.

Product Owner

A Product Owner should display a deep technical understanding, especially in software or hardware development. Emphasize your proficiency in Agile and Scrum methodologies, showing how they have optimized your backlog management and sprint planning. Illustrate how your technical expertise has directly led to product improvements. Highlight specific innovations you've driven, such as implementing user-requested features or upgrading system architecture, and their direct benefits, such as a 40% increase in user engagement or a 20% reduction in system downtime.
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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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