How To Write a Resume for France – Applying for a Job in France? Here's the Right Resume Format and Rules To Follow!

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Pub: 6/28/2023
Upd: 10/21/2024
7 min read

Are you looking to create a French resume? It can be intimidating to attempt composing in a foreign language, particularly when it relates to something as essential as your job application. However, with the correct format and sections included, you'll find that creating a successful French resume is easier than ever.

Learn what makes up an effective french resume, including how to structure yours for maximum impact. Plus, get examples and final tips to feel confident submitting your own professional-looking document.

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What Is the French Resume Format?

A French resume is a document job seekers in France use to apply for jobs. It's comparable to a conventional resume that includes data such as academic credentials, employment history, and other pertinent details.

Including personal information such as name, address, contact details (phone and email), date of birth, and nationality is the initial step in a French resume. This should be followed by an objective statement that outlines the applicant's career goals and aspirations.

When creating a resume for French job applications, knowing the distinctions from the standard American-style format is essential. The most crucial difference between an American and a French resume is the length. A French resume should be at most two pages, while an American one should mostly fit on a single page.

Like an American resume, a French resume includes a personal statement or summary at the top of the page.

When listing work experience on a French resume, start with your current or most recent position and then list each prior job in reverse chronological order (with dates).

Be sure to include all relevant details, such as the company name, the title held within that company, primary duties performed during the employment period, and any notable accomplishments achieved during this time frame.

Regarding education history on a French resume: Start with the highest degree earned first (listing school attended), followed by any other degrees obtained after that, along with dates of completion for each degree listed if applicable.

Suppose you have completed professional certifications or training courses related to your field of interest/expertise. In that case, you should also include these and their respective completion date(s) here.

Finally, when creating your unique version of a French-style resume, ensure it looks clean and professional. Avoid using fancy fonts, as they will only detract from the resume's overall appearance. Also, use simple formatting techniques such as bolding text where appropriate so employers can quickly scan through it without getting overwhelmed by too much information.

Remember that although this type of document may seem intimidating at first glance, crafting one tailored specifically toward potential employers could ultimately help land you more interviews than ever before.

The French resume format is an effective way to showcase your skills and qualifications, and by following the guidelines above, you can ensure that your application stands out from the crowd. Now let's explore what sections to include in your resume for maximum impact.

What Sections To Include in Your Resume

It should be concise and include only relevant information about your education, experience, and skills. The format of a French resume is slightly different from other countries resumes.

In constructing your French CV, be sure to include the following components:

Personal Information

This section includes basic contact information such as name, address, phone number, email address, etc. Also, include any professional affiliations or memberships here if applicable.

Personal Statement

The personal statement, which can be either an objective statement or a summary, serves as the beginning of your resume. It ought to give the reader an engaging presentation.

If you have accomplishments and professional experience to bolster your application, use the summary. If not, utilize the aim to describe your career goals and interest in the job.


List all educational qualifications, including degrees obtained (with dates), diplomas earned (with dates), and certificates acquired (with dates). In addition, include any pertinent training you have received for the position to which you are applying, specifying the institution, program name, and completion date.

Work Experience

Include all previous work experience starting with the most recent first; provide details of each role, including company name/location/dates employed/position held, etc., plus any achievements or responsibilities that demonstrate your suitability for the position you are applying for now.

For example, you could include "Increased sales by 20% over three months period" or "Managed team of ten people."

Your work experience should be listed in reverse chronological order, with your most recent position first.

Skills and Competencies

Here, you can highlight critical skills which will help employers understand why you would be suitable for their vacancy.

For example, "Fluent in English & Spanish" / "Excellent communication skills both written & verbal" / "Proficient user of Microsoft Office Suite applications."

Additional Information

Use this section to add anything else that could give an employer more insight into who you are — hobbies and interests, languages, voluntary work, awards won, and so on.

Following these guidelines when writing your French resume will ensure that it stands out from other applicants while demonstrating why you would make an ideal candidate for the role.

References (Optional)

Although references are not required to be mentioned on French resumes, employers nearly always request them before hiring you. So, you can either provide your best recommendations along with their contact details or just state that they are available upon request.

If you choose to do so, list each reference's name, relationship to you, current job, and area of expertise. Whether it be an email address or a phone number, you should only provide one means of contact. Three references are the standard amount to include.

Let's say you don't want to provide references. If so, you can include the line "References available upon request (références disponibles sur demande)" at the bottom of your resume. Doing it this way will also indicate the employer's interest in you, as they will only request references if they think you are a good fit for the role.

Additional Tips for Writing Your French Resume

Along with the above information, here are some tips to help make your French resume shine.

Proofread Carefully

Before submitting your French resume, proofread it carefully for any spelling or grammar mistakes. This will help ensure that the document is professional and error-free.

Moreover, obtaining another individual to scrutinize your CV can be beneficial in discovering any mistakes you may have neglected.

Tailor Your Resume

Tailoring your resume to each job you are applying for can be beneficial in highlighting the most relevant qualifications and experiences that match the position's requirements.

For instance, if a job necessitates experience with customer service, it is important to focus on this in your resume by furnishing precise illustrations of how you have supplied outstanding client assistance in prior roles.

Use Keywords

Using keywords throughout your French resume can also be helpful when applying for jobs, as many employers use automated systems to scan resumes for certain words related to their open positions.

Ensure that the abilities detailed in your CV are pertinent to the position you're seeking, and incorporate any industry-specific terminology or expressions utilized in the job advertisement whenever feasible.

Be Concise

When writing a French resume, it is important to be concise and not go into too much detail about each role or responsibility. This can take up valuable space on the page and distract from other key points included in the document.

Instead, focus on providing brief descriptions of each position while emphasizing accomplishments rather than day-to-day tasks completed during employment periods.

Example Resume

Once you have identified the components that you should include in your resume, it is time to arrange them into a polished, professional presentation that will make you stand out from other applicants.

Your Full Name

Mailing address

Phone number

Email address

Your Job Title

Personal Statement (Profil)

Under this section, you'll want to:

  • Put your best qualities first and match your talents to the job description.
  • Talk about your attributes and credentials.
  • Describe the job and the business to which you're applying.
  • Describe the goals you have for your application.

Professional Experience (Expérience Professionnelle)

List all previous employment history, including job title, company name, dates employed, and a brief summary of duties performed at each position held in France or abroad in chronological order.

Education (Formation)

List all relevant educational qualifications such as degrees earned, courses taken, and any other special training received in France or abroad.

Skills (Compétences)

A bullet list of relevant skills, up to ten.

Languages (Langues)

  • English
  • French
  • Any other languages you speak

References available on request (références disponibles sur demande)

To ensure your resume stands out, use the example resume as a guide and apply it with creativity and flair.


Writing a French resume can be daunting, but with the correct information and tips, you can make sure your application stands out.

When writing a French resume, it is important to remember that accuracy and attention to detail are key factors when submitting applications. Therefore, make sure you proofread multiple times before sending out any documents. Additionally, ensure that all relevant information has been included; leaving out important details will only hurt your chances of being considered further down the line.

Finally, keep it concise—try not to exceed two pages unless absolutely necessary since recruiters often have hundreds if not thousands of CVs to go through when shortlisting candidates for interviews. Keeping things brief yet informative will help you stand out from the crowd.

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Make one that's truly you.
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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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