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5 VP of Sales Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

As you craft your VP of sales resume, it's essential to highlight your track record of success. Demonstrate with clear metrics how you've grown revenue and market share for past organizations. Furthermore, your VP of sales resume should showcase your leadership abilities. Indicate how many team members you've managed and the sales strategies you've implemented to drive success.

All resume examples in this guide

As an accomplished sales leader, you know what it takes to promote a product or business in a competitive market. But you may feel less sure about promoting yourself on your resume.

What areas should you focus on, and how should you organize your various jobs and accomplishments? We’ve put together a guide that helps you create a VP of sales resume that hiring managers look for.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to format your resume to make a good first impression on employers and send a clear and organized message
  • What companies look for in a VP of sales and how to highlight your best industry accomplishments
  • How to present your skills to show that you stay up to date on the latest sales technologies and strategies
  • What to include in your summary to show your worth in the industry right away and stand out as a candidate

If you think this isn’t exactly the right position for you, look at our other sales and VP resume guides:

VP of Sales resume example

Here’s why this is our choice for a great VP of sales resume:

  • Leadership and Proven Growth: Carla’s experience is clearly rooted in leadership, particularly in sales leadership roles where she's had direct impacts on revenue growth. From her time at Wolf Inc, where annual revenues increased by 310%, to her role at Rolfson where sales margin jumped from 50% to 81%, this evidence of her ability to significantly drive sales and revenue is crucial.
  • Strategic Savings and Efficiency: At Boyle Ltd, Carla's effort to source a new product resulted in a 60% reduction in printing expenses, which saved more than $500,000/year. This shows she doesn't just focus on revenue growth but also on cost-saving, making operations more efficient.
  • Certifications Relevant to the Role: Carla has a Six Sigma Black Belt certification from the Management and Strategy Institute, which indicates proficiency in improving organizational processes and reducing errors. This is particularly important for a VP of Sales role where streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency can lead to improved sales outcomes.
  • Talent Management and Team Growth: Carla's experience in talent acquisition, where she hired 40+ Sales Execs and multiple VPs at Nader, combined with her management of a 40+ person organization at Rolfson while lowering turnover to <10%, underscores her strength in building and maintaining strong teams, a critical aspect for a VP of Sales.

How to format a VP of Sales resume

When competing at a high level in a competitive market, organized formatting and a clear message are crucial. It’s the first thing recruiters notice when they look at your resume and gives them their first impression of you as a candidate.

Your VP of sales resume will have to stand out among your equally skilled and qualified peers, so there’s no time to waste with getting off on the right foot.

Here are a few areas to focus your attention when formatting your resume for VP of sales positions:

  • Reverse chronological layout - this resume style puts the central focus on your work history in a reverse timeline. VP roles come after years of commitment in your field and hiring managers will see your steady career growth with this layout.
  • Header - the top of your resume should include a brief but important header that provides professional contact information and a link to your online profile. Including a URL to your LinkedIn profile will show employers how you maintain a visible and impressive digital presence.
  • Key achievements - industry achievements demonstrate a consistent track record in your field and show potential employers the kind of success you will bring to their company. Use metrics like growth percentages, quota achievements, and team performance to highlight your value.
  • Limit to one page - just because you can fill pages and pages with your work experience doesn’t mean you should. Recruiters are busy and don’t want to comb through every job you’ve ever had. Include only the strongest and most relevant information on your VP of Sales resume and tailor every section to fit your target job.

Ensure preservation of formatting and added security by using a PDF file format instead of Doc. Don’t waste hiring managers’ time with files that are difficult to access or read.

For help getting started, use Enhancv’s resume builder to easily edit a VP of sales resume template and download a PDF that lands interviews.

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The top sections on a VP of Sales resume:

  • Use the “Summary” section to highlight your top achievements and align with the company's needs, proving you have a track record of sales success.

  • The “Sales Experience and Achievements” should demonstrate your expertise and how you've positively impacted past employers, showcasing quantifiable results.

  • Utilize the “Sales Training and Certifications” to confirm your dedication to professional growth and that you're updated with the latest sales techniques and trends.

  • A “Key Accounts Managed” section can list significant clients or companies you've worked with, indicating your ability to handle high-value relationships.

  • “Sales Technologies and Tools” section should show you're adept with contemporary sales tools and platforms, indicating you can seamlessly integrate into the company's processes.

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What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven track record of achieving or exceeding sales targets, ideally with demonstrated growth over consecutive years.

  • Experience in building, mentoring, and leading high-performing sales teams with clear examples of team successes.

  • Familiarity with sales technologies, CRM tools, and data-driven decision-making processes tailored to optimize sales strategies.

  • Expertise in strategic sales planning, including market analysis, segment targeting, and pipeline development, particularly in the industry in question.

  • Established relationships and network within the industry, highlighting key partnerships, closed deals, and alliances.

How to write your VP of Sales resume experience

Your resume experience section is where you show your work history along with accomplishments from each job. Each role should include 3-4 bullets highlighting your top achievements.

Be mindful of not just listing job duties without achievements. This section must demonstrate that you have strong inside knowledge of your industry and have achieved measurable success.

Let’s look at a VP of sales resume sample experience section.

VP of Sales
Griffon LTD
  • Became VP in spring 2020
  • Supervised and managed reports
  • Led successful new product launch

What doesn’t work in this example:

  • No measurable data - “led successful new product launch” and “managed reports” are meaningless if the success is not quantified. The definition of success is open to interpretation. Don’t expect employers to take your word for it.
  • Lacking context - “became VP in spring 2020” is irrelevant and maybe even harmful to your chances without proper context. Why did this candidate change positions in the middle of their time at this company? What prompted the change?
  • No mention of sales tech - tools and technologies in sales evolve rapidly. Companies need to know you’re up to date on the latest trends and platforms. Be sure to include accomplishments that involve current industry tools.

Let’s make a few updates and take another look.

VP of Sales
Griffon LTD
  • Promoted from Lead Sales Representative to VP of Sales in 2020
  • Supervised and managed 20 reports using CRM tools that resulted in 250% increase in revenue growth
  • Led new AI-driven product launch that earned $2.7M in revenue and reduced travel costs by 20%

What works in this example:

  • Shows career growth - “promoted from Lead Sales Representative to VP of Sales” shows commitment to the job and growth in the role.
  • Quantifies success - real numbers and data like “250% increase in revenue growth” and “earned $2.7M in revenue” provide measurable evidence to back up claims of success. Employers will see how you will impact success in your role.

  • Demonstrates industry knowledge - “led new AI-driven product launch” and the use of “CRM tools” shows up to date skills in the industry and ability to achieve success in a competitive landscape.

    How to quantify impact on your VP of sales resume

    Companies want a VP of sales who is going to increase profits and generate impressive revenue. They’re not going to hire a candidate without a proven track record.

    Quantify your achievements from previous roles by using real numbers and data in your resume. Show hiring managers exactly what you have accomplished.

    Here are a few areas to consider when deciding what numbers to include in your VP of sales resume:

    • Total revenue growth percentage achieved during your tenure. This showcases your direct impact on the company's bottom line and profitability.

    • Number of new accounts or clients acquired under your leadership. It highlights your ability to drive new business and expand market reach.

    • Percentage reduction in sales cycle time, if applicable. This indicates efficiency improvements and faster deal closures.

    • Quota attainment percentage of your sales team. A consistently high quota attainment reflects strong team management and coaching skills.
    • Number of salespeople you've directly managed or trained. This emphasizes your leadership capabilities and capacity to handle large teams.
    • Growth rate in the size of deals or contracts secured. Demonstrating an ability to close bigger deals suggests competence in targeting high-value clients or upselling.
    • Any reduction in customer churn or increased customer retention percentages. This underlines the quality of sales and after-sales processes under your leadership.
    • Any sales process improvements or tools implemented, with corresponding performance improvements in percentage. Demonstrating adaptability and proactive process enhancements signals a forward-thinking approach.

      How to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume

      Showing sales tech skills and other industry expertise are crucial to an impactful VP of sales resume. Potential employers want someone who can compete in a rapidly changing sales landscape.

      Skills on your VP of sales resume will be in two categories - hard skills and soft skills.

      Hard skills are the technical knowledge and abilities needed to perform job duties. Soft skills are the interpersonal and communication skills needed to interact with others.

      The main difference in these two sections on your resume is presentation. Hard skills are listed while soft skills include examples.

      Let’s look at an example of hard skills on a VP of sales resume.

Data Analytics
Pricing Strategy
Sales Forecasting
Market Research

If you’re listing hard skills on your resume, hiring managers will assume proficiency. Only include technical skills that you’re confident in and are prepared to do on the job.

Here are a few more hard skills companies look for in their VP of sales.

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Best hard skills for your VP of Sales resume

  • Strategic Sales Planning

  • CRM Systems (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot)

  • Sales Forecasting

  • Data Analysis and Reporting

  • Market Research

  • Product Knowledge

  • Sales Training and Development

  • Account Management

  • Contract Negotiation

  • Revenue Growth Strategies

  • Channel and Partnership Development

  • Pricing Strategy

  • Team Leadership and Management

  • Key Account Acquisition

  • Customer Retention Strategies

  • Digital Sales Tools and Platforms

  • Presentation Skills

  • Budget Management

  • Cross-functional Collaboration

  • B2B and B2C Sales Expertise

Unlike hard skills, soft skills require a bit more of an explanation. Choose a few top soft skills and provide an example of how you use them to achieve success.

Soft skills are a good opportunity to show employers that you’re a good cultural fit by sharing their company ethos or your willingness to relocate with a passion for travel.

Let’s take a look at an example of a VP of sales soft skills.

Led 150 employees in new product launch, recognized for compassionate leadership at 2021 national conference
Traveled to 8 countries in 2021 to build relationships with new clients, increased total revenue by 118%

Here are a few more soft skills to consider including on your VP of sales resume.

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Best soft skills for your VP of Sales resume

  • Leadership

  • Communication

  • Relationship-building

  • Negotiation

  • Strategic thinking

  • Problem-solving

  • Team collaboration

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Time management

  • Adaptability

  • Conflict resolution

  • Empathy

  • Decision-making

  • Motivational skills

  • Listening

  • Customer focus

  • Analytical mindset

  • Presentation skills

  • Cultural awareness

  • Resilience

How to list your certifications and education on your resume

Most VPs of sales will have a bachelor’s in a business-related field. Some may even have a masters in a similar field.

Certifications in sales tech or CRM software can be a great way to increase impact on your resume, especially if you are changing industries or want to stay up to date on trends.

Writing the experience section on your VP of sales resume will be fairly simple, but it is still important to get right.

Let’s look at an example of an education section on a VP of sales resume.

MBA in Business Administration
University of Texas
BS in Marketing and Sales
Austin College

The education section above is simple, but effective. A good education section includes the following:

  • Name of degree
  • Name of institution
  • Years attended

Details like GPA and coursework are not necessary and typically left out when applying for high-level positions. Only include this info if specifically requested in the job listing.

A VP of sales certification section will be similarly basic. Just the name of the certificate and issuing institution is sufficient.

Let’s take a look at an example with a common certification for a VP of sales.

Certified Professional Sales Person (CPSP)
National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)

Here are additional certifications to consider adding to increase impact on your VP of sales resume.

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Best certifications for your VP of Sales resume

  • Certified Professional Sales Person (CPSP) from the National Association of Sales Professionals: NASP

  • Miller Heiman Group Sales and Service Professional Certification: Miller Heiman Group

  • SPIN Selling Certification by Huthwaite International: Huthwaite International

  • Sandler Training Sales Certification: Sandler Training

  • Challenger Development Program Certification by Challenger: Challenger

  • ValueSelling Framework® Certification: ValueSelling

  • Certified Sales Leadership Professional (CSLP) by the Sales Management Association: Sales Management Association

  • RAIN Sales Negotiation Certification by RAIN Group: RAIN Group

  • Certified Inside Sales Professional (CISP) by AA-ISP: AA-ISP

  • Advanced Sales Management Certification by the Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA): CPSA

How to write your VP of Sales resume summary or objective

A summary or objective is a great way to introduce yourself to hiring managers and highlight your top industry accomplishment in 3-4 sentences.

Though the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between a summary and an objective.

A summary is a brief introduction that communicates your position and value in your industry. An objective looks to the future and captures what you are hoping to achieve in your new position.

For candidates with a long career and many achievements to choose from, a summary is the better choice. If you’re applying at the VP level, you want to show companies what you’ve already accomplished in the industry.

However, it is a good strategy to finish your summary with a mutual goal you share with your target company. This will show that you’ve done your research and are prepared to impact success.

Let’s look at an example of a vice president of sales resume summary.

A leader with experience in the digital marketing industry. I've led teams on successful product launches using innovative sales tech. I can work with customers, employees, and colleagues which makes me the ideal candidate for the VP of Sales position at Booker Corp.

What doesn’t work with this example:

  • No quantifiable achievements - this candidate makes general claims like “successful product launches” and a “leader with experience” without providing evidence. Backing up claims with specific metrics and measurable results make a summary stronger.
  • General statements - blanket claims like “I can work with customers” or the use of “innovative sales tech” don’t really mean anything without specifics. Don’t leave anything to the imagination in your summary and communicate exactly what makes you a great candidate.
  • Unclear goal - ending the summary without a clear shared goal with the target company shows how your experience makes you the right fit for the role. Be sure to research the company and find out how you can provide solutions to their specific problems.

Let’s make a few updates and try this VP of sales summary again.

A sales leader with 15 years of experience in the digital marketing industry. I've led teams of 50+ representatives on product launches that generated an average of $4.5M in revenue using innovative AI software and CRM tools. I am seeking the opportunity to leverage my communication skills with customers, employees, and colleagues to increase client base as the VP of Sales at Booker Corp.

What works in this example:

  • Cites measurable results - this updated summary now includes specific metrics and numbers like “50+ representatives” and “$4.5M in revenue” that show how the candidate will impact success. Highlight your best and most relevant industry achievement in your summary to show your value right away.
  • Shows current industry knowledge - showing that you achieved your results by using up to date terminology like “AI software and CRM tools” shows potential employers that you operate in a competitive landscape and can keep up with the latest technology.

  • Provides solutions - this candidate ends their summary by showing how their communication skills will impact success at their target company. Show that you’re the right candidate by leveraging your experience to meet company goals.

Additional sections for a VP of Sales resume

As vice president of sales, you may have some relevant experiences that don’t fit the standard resume sections. Over the course of your long career, it’s understandable that you’ve developed skills in different areas.

If you have skills, experiences, or abilities that are relevant to your target job, consider adding additional sections to your resume.

Here are a few sections to consider for your VP of sales resume:

  • Languages - speaking multiple languages can be of great value in VP positions, especially if the role requires communication or marketing in different languages
  • Volunteering - show your relevant background by including volunteer experience, especially if it included sales or leadership skills

  • Hobbies - even hobbies and interests can increase the value of your resume if they are relevant to your target job such as niche skills or specialized knowledge

    Key takeaways for creating your VP of sales resume

    You are just about ready to write that amazing VP of sales resume that gets callbacks! Let’s review a few key points before we finish up.

    • Clear and organized formatting for your VP of sales resume is crucial to standing out in a competitive market. Use professional contact info and an online profile to show an active digital presence.

    • Highlight industry specific knowledge and sales technologies to show potential employers that you’re up to date on the latest strategies and trends.

    • Quantify impact with measurable results and specific metrics to show hiring managers how you will impact success in your role at their company.

    • Show your value in your industry by including your greatest achievement in a summary that tells employers why you’re the right fit for their company.

vp of sales resume example

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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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