If your job has something to do with data, chances are you already are using informatica products. Or will be.
Because according to Gartner’s magic quadrant, informatica is the global leader across these markets: Data Integration, Data Quality, Master Data Management, and others. By far.
ETL Developers, MDM Developers, SQL Developers, consultants and database administrators are all using informatica products.
Naturally comes a question: if informatica is that big, do I have to write my resume around it? Would I become invisible to recruiters if I don’t?
Hold on. Don’t panic. The answer is… It dewpends. On the position you’re applying for, on your own experience with informatica, on your skills, etc.
Sounds hard? No worries. We wrote a whole guide for you to do that properly. By the way, you’re reading it right now.
So, should we start?
What will you learn from this guide?
- How to properly mention informatica experience in different sections of your resume to hold a recruiter’s attention
- How to not come off as a generic specialist with no real experience with informatica products
- How to properly frame experience with informatica products for different informatica positions in order to get more job interviews
- What keywords and skills recruiters are looking for in informatica resumes
- How to properly write each section of your informatica resume, starting from the Header and ending with a Skills section so that recruiters will see you as a perfect candidate
How to write an informatica resume
The best way to write an informatica resume is to be specific.
Long gone are the times when a single Database Administrator was responsible for everything "data" in the company.
These days the sheer amount of data in every company is astonishing. Every aspect of data management -- data cleansing, data integration, and data migration is a science on its own.
In large companies and corporations there can be a person responsible for only one aspect of dealing with data. Informatica products reflect that reality.
There is:
- Informatica PowerCenter
- Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Cloud Services
- Informatica MDM.
The list goes on.
Each product deals with a certain aspect of data management. Most job descriptions hint at which informatica products the company uses the most.
Your resume should leave an impression that you’re proficient with the informatica products the company is using. Don’t just write in "informatica".
No one likes generic "experts".
With that being said, let’s see how to structure your resume to reflect your expertise. We need the right resume sections, represented in a resume layout that will look professional and will make your resume stand out from the rest.
Tailor your resume format to the job market – a Canadian resume, for example, might differ in layout.
What are the top sections for informatica resume?"?
- Header section including the most relevant position title
- Summary section with balanced informatica experience
- Experience section that mentions specific informatica products and your experience with them.
- Skill section with adjacent skills preferred for most data management positions
- Education (preferably industry-specific)
- Relevant certificates
What makes a great informatica header
One word: accordance.
Tweaking your job resume title to a specific position is not always a good idea.
Often recruiters put certain keywords into the title, but only to attract potential candidates.
Speaking of keywords, you should also pay attention to anything, mentioned as a requirement in the job description, that you can put as a keyword in your resume. Often reqruiters will first run the inbound resumes through ATS software, that will automatically remove candidate resumes that don't mention specific words. So give that a thought when crafting your resume.
For example, the job opening might be called "Enterprise Architect (NoSQL)".
But in real resumes, job titles like "Enterprise Architect (NoSQL)" or, say, "Python Developer(Linux)" leave a bad impression.
Why? Because NoSQL and Linux skills are just a tiny fraction of what this job is really about. Tweaked titles like that look needy and artificial.
However, this is not the case with informatica resumes. There are too many positions that require informatica experience and are literally built around it.
Also, there are many informatica competitors (Hadoop, Talend), so you might see "Talend Developer" positions as well.
Putting "informatica" in your header in accordance with the job description emphasizes both your proficiency and speciality.
So, for example, when you see a job opening that requires extensive informatica experience, make sure to change your resume header accordingly.
Examples: "informatica ETL Developer" or "informatica MDM Developer"
As you can see, the header above won’t do a good impression. Especially, if informatica experience is strongly advised to have.
However, you don’t want to specifically mention informatica if it’s not the core technology in the job you’re applying for, or if it says "informatica experience is optional".
Otherwise, keep the rest of the header simple. Include your name, contact information and, possibly, a springboard link to your GitHub profile. Maybe a link to your LinkedIn account as well.
Let’s now look at how you can frame your summary to keep recruiters interested in your candidature.
Write a compelling informatica resume summary
As mentioned before, a number of different positions require experience with informatica products. So the summary section for each one of them will look different.
However, there is something you should remember in any case: informatica products are just tools.
In other words, your summary should not look like you’re bragging about knowing informatica PowerCenter and MDM solutions and other technical skills.
It should show you are able to complete the task at hand, using informatica products in the process.
First, you have the Skills section to list your skills. Second, this summary signals that you don’t understand the true scope of your job.
Informatica Developers don’t just click buttons in informatica software. The picture is bigger.
If we talk about informatica PowerCenter, the developer’s task is to execute one of the core procedures of data management, ETL: extract, transform, load.
If we talk about informatica MDM solution, the goal is to create and support a single view of data while ensuring its integrity and security.
Simply put, don’t brag about your skills, don’t talk products, talk workflows.
That way recruiters will understand that you are aware of your job role and can easily translate your skills to a new working environment.
Pro tip
If the job requires proficiency with a certain informatica product, mention your experience with it in your summary. Just don’t make your summary all about it.
Same goes for a Senior informatica ETL Developer - don’t focus on technical skills. Talk more about benefits to the business.
Senior ETL Developers, especially, have to show they have a bigger perspective.
After writing a convincing summary, it’s time to expand on your informatica experience with a properly framed experience section.
How to frame your informatica resume experience?
The most important thing in your informatica experience section is staying relevant.
That is to say, to be proficient with informatica’s products and operations as they relate to the specific position you’re applying for.
One of the most popular informatica’s products is informatica PowerCenter.
It’s so popular that when people refer to "informatica" they often will just mean "informatica PowerCenter".
Recruiters seem to do that too. But that can be confusing, especially when the job requires proficiency with several informatica products.
Remember, there are several informatica products and different jobs that require different informatica skills.
That’s why you should be sure to not only state the product you worked with in your experience section, but also the workflows that are specific to it.
Below is an example of a generic informatica experience description that will bore, and, perhaps, even confuse recruiters.
- •Have strong Informatica knowledge and experience
- •Worked on complex problems where analysis of situations or data requires evaluation
- •Acted as expert technical resource to programming staff in the program development
Your experience section should demonstrate three things:
- You’re proficient with specific informatica product terms and its workflows
- You don’t use informatica as a generic term to make your resume look better
- You’re well aware of the environment informatica products are used in
informatica product terms proficiency
In informatica Powercenter, those terms can be: mappings, jobs, mapplets, transformations, data warehousing, data migration.
Other terms used: PowerCenter Designer, Workflow Manager, Transformation Designer, client tools, repository server.
In informatica MDM, frequently used terms are: PIM, data warehousing, data cleansing, multidomain,
Other terms used: MDM Hierarchy Manager, MDM Data Hub, MDM data
Show you don’t use informatica as a generic term
Some applicants do that to make their resume look better.
Instead, use full informatica product names: informatica PowerCenter 9.X, informatica MDM.
You’re aware of informatica product environments
In order to showcase that, mention tools and terms that you use with informatica.
Terms are: ETL (the extract-transform-load procedure informatica products are based on), SOA (service-oriented architecture), SQL (various databases).
Tools/ERPs are (example): SAP, Salesforce, Oracle/SQL Server, Siebel, BAAN, other informatica products (e.g. Informatica IDQ)
Make sure to emphasize processes and technologies that you worked with according to the job application you’re applying for.
For example, if the company requires experience working with SAP or Salesforce data and you have it, make sure to mention it in your experience section.
If the company is explicitly looking for someone with data migration experience - do the same.
Below are examples of an informatica ETL Developer resume and an informatica MDM Developer resume.
Notice how different they are because of the specific terms and processes mentioned.
Informatica ETL developer sample resume experience section
- •Worked with Informatica Power Center v 9.5-9.7 with its core components Source Analyzer, Data warehousing Designer, Mapping & Mapplet Designer and Transformation Designer
- •Developed, maintained and enhanced various Informatica mappings and workflows to perform ETL of data from multiple sources into the data warehouse
- •Used Oracle to formulate SQL queries to create and edit tables and extract the operational data
Informatica MDM developer sample resume experience section
- •Prepared detailed technical specifications from which complex Master Data Management workflows were written and configured using Informatica Multi-Domain MDM and Informatica Data Quality products.
- •Designed MDM Data Models using Informatica Multidomain MDM.
- •Configured and maintained Informatica MDM Hierarchy Manager and Informatica MDM Data Hub
As mentioned before, there are many jobs that require proficiency with informatica tools. Examples are: informatica Consultant, informatica Administrator, informatica BI.
When you adjust your experience section for these positions, follow the same rules:
- Be specific about informatica products and workflows that you used
- Make sure to emphasize tools and workflows that are in the job description
2 informatica Administrator resume examples - Experience
Again, here’s a bad, generic example of an informatica Administrator resume.
- •Performed daily monitoring of systems.
- •Investigated and troubleshot issues.
- •Engaged other teams for patching and maintenance
A recruiter won’t even spend a second on these bullet points. They are generic and show no information about applicant’s specific experience with informatica.
Here’s a proper example of an informatica Administrator resume.
- •Provided administration support and technical leadership for all aspects of the Informatica BDM/Power Center, Test Data Management, Data Quality, and Big Data Management Informatica domains.
- •Reviewed business and technical requirements and ensured the platform meets requirements, applying industry best practices for ETL configuration and design.
- •Set up repositories, users, security management and monitored the stability of all environments including integrated SAP and Salesforce databases
Now, this is a good example because you can see how the candidate stressed on every tool they have experience with.
Don’t make a recruiter guess what you can do - showcase your competencies directly.
After properly framing your informatica resume experience, it’s time to seal the deal and list the most relevant and desirable skills that recruiters look for in resumes.
Showcasing informatica skills for resume
informatica Developers should have in-depth knowledge of ETL procedure that’s at the core of all informatica products.
Your resume skills section needs to reflect that knowledge.
Extract: in order to successfully extract data from any source, you have to be proficient with various SQL databases, ERP and CRM systems.
Demonstrating your skills with different platforms and data hubs is crucial for a successful informatica resume.
Transform: demonstrate your proficiency with SQL queries and scripting languages.
Load: your experience resume section should cover that, demonstrating proficiency with informatica tools and processes.
As for the soft skills, the most important for any ETL Developer are: communication, analytical and troubleshooting skills.
The most specific soft skill to an informatica ETL environment is parameterization.
Top 6 informatica soft skills for resume
- Communication skills (especially for jobs with multiple clients and/or stakeholders)
- Analytical skills
- Problem solving / troubleshooting skills
- Project Management skills
- Parametrization
- Organization
Top 13 informatica hard skills for resume sought by companies
- Relational databases (MySQL, Postgre, SQL Server, Oracle)
- ERP Systems (SAP, SAGE)
- Agile Methodology
- Visual Studio
- Microsoft Azure
- CRM systems (Salesforce)
- Scripting languages (Python, Perl, Bash)
- BigData
- .NET
- AutoSys
How to include education and certificates in your resume
There’s no formal education specifically for informatica developers, yet industry specific education is preferable for any ETL developer.
Preferred degrees:
- Computer Science
- Computer Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Engineering
- Statistics
Also, some employees may consider degrees from niches that are relevant to the domain of the business, e.g. legal degree for legal oriented business, health insurance business, etc. If you have a suitable degree, include it in your resume education section. Make sure to include any coursework that you find fit as well.
As for certificates, informatica offers a variety of certifications for each of their major products:
- PowerCenter Data Integration Certification
- Data Quality Certification
- Master Data Management Certification
- Informatica Big Data Certification
Those certificates are very valuable if you plan to advance your career in ETL Solutions, especially informatica.
Key points from writing a winning informatica resume
- Mention your informatica-related skills in your resume according to the job requirements - for some jobs informatica skills are desired, other jobs are completely built around them
- Don’t write your experience section as a generic list of tasks - show exactly what informatica processes and tools you performed
- Make sure your summary is not a citation of your technical skills - talk about them in the context of specific informatica processes and terms
- Frame your experience according to the specific informatica products that are mentioned in the job description, remember that different positions require different skills
- Prioritize tools and platforms in your skills section that are used in the informatica job you’re applying for
Informatica resume examples
By Experience
Junior Informatica Consultant
Senior Informatica Developer
By Role