How To Write an Effective Resume Profile (With Examples)

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Pub: 5/11/2021
Upd: 10/21/2024
7 min read

In a world full of distractions, it’s extremely hard to get someone’s attention.

Recruiters and hiring managers are no exception.

That’s why starting with a decent resume profile is a great way to hook the reader and get their attention.

This way, you can significantly increase your chances of landing a job interview.

In the following article you will learn:

  • How to overcome the struggle of writing about yourself
  • When and why you need a resume profile
  • How to write one that will put you ahead of other applicants
  • Real industry examples to help you find inspiration

Let’s dive right in!

Tackling the Difficulty of Writing “About Me”

Writing about yourself is simply the easiest task for some and at the same time the most difficult one for others.

But why is that so?

In most cases, the reason is a lack of confidence or no clear idea of what information is most pertinent.

Luckily, we are here to help you.

We will provide you with an outline of how to write a great resume profile, and help you feel more comfortable with describing your ambitions, goals, and previous achievements.

But before we discuss why you need a resume profile, here are a few tips on how not to sound awkward:

  • Don’t try to make people like you
  • Don’t use jokes in your resume profile
  • Rephrase your sentences to find the best, yet simple, wording
  • Shorten your sentences and be specific

Do You Need a Resume Profile?


But first and foremost, what is a resume profile?

A resume profile is a section of a resume that includes a brief summary of an applicant’s previous experience, skills, and future goals related to a specific job opening.

With that being said, you know that this resume section can really help you stand out among the rest of the candidates.  

To fully understand what to include in it, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you changing careers?
  • Are you an experienced professional?
  • Are you an entry-level worker, a recent college graduate, or still a college student?

If you are changing careers, you should highlight your previous achievements and proven track record of successful case studies in your recent jobs. You can briefly describe why you decided to change your career path and embark on a new journey, professionally.

If the answer to the second question is yes, you can write even more about your previous success stories.

Mention how you helped your former company achieve great results and why you were a valued member of the team. You might also include a “promise” of how you can help your new employer achieve their goals based on your experience and knowledge.

And last, if you are an entry-level worker or still a college student, focus on the future! Set new goals that you want to achieve and describe how you fit the company’s mission and culture.

We know it may sound overwhelming, but don’t worry. If you follow the structure, creating a resume profile is simple!

Professional Resume Profile: How to Write One

As we mentioned, it’s all about the right structure and points you want to highlight.

Based on our long-term experience, we found the formula to create the perfect resume profile!

All you need to highlight is:

  • Experience
  • Key achievements
  • Skills

Start with your experience. If you have a long employment history, tailor your resume and your resume profile in a way it suits the position you’re applying to.

If you are not sure how to tailor your resume properly, don’t hesitate to check out our detailed article where we guide you through the process!

Key achievements are also a great way to show your expertise and convince the hiring manager that you are the right applicant for the job. Add them right after the experience to bring more value to the opening lines.

Last but not least, highlight your technical and soft skills to enrich your resume profile even more. Present yourself as a professional with great technical knowledge and a colleague who is always there for the team!

Where does it go in your resume?

Your resume profile is a perfect fit for the top of your resume. Most recruiters won’t read the document if the start is not relevant to the position. Always begin with the header, followed by the resume profile.

The hiring managers will get to know you and your goals and will be able to decide whether to give you a chance or not.

Examples From Different Industries

Let’s check out some great industry examples!

Project Management Resume Profile example:

Enhancv How To Write An Effective Resume Profile (With Examples)

As you can see, Alex writes about his 5 years’ experience in covering project and product management to demonstrate strong experience in the field. After that, he presents himself as a fast and eager learner, who can quickly adapt to any changes and project requirements.

The whole resume profile is simple, clear, and straight to the point!

Interior Design Resume Profile Example:

Enhancv How To Write An Effective Resume Profile (With Examples)

In this case, John Seamore lacks a work history but has 3 years of freelance and volunteer experience. He plays well with the numbers to strengthen the statement in his resume profile.

The resume profile is simple, clear, and gives enough valuable information to the hiring managers!

Computer Science Resume Objective Example:

Enhancv How To Write An Effective Resume Profile (With Examples)

<>Here, the applicant again lacks work experience, but the approach is different. He speaks more about what his goal is – to join the ABC development team as a software engineer. He mentions his position as a co-founder of SaveIt student finance management service, which shows he has an entrepreneurial mindset and willingness to develop.
Again, the whole summary is clear and straight to the point.


What else can you include besides a resume profile?

A resume profile is only one of the secondary resume sections you might want to include to empower your CV.

Some other sections to consider are:

  • Headline title – This is the opening section at the top of your resume that serves as a way for the recruiters to get to know who you are and how to contact you. It’s the first thing an employer should see and the one that makes the first impression.
  • Key achievements section – In this section, it’s appropriate to give more information about your greatest achievements and any certificates earned.
  • Strengths – If you have strong characteristics that you want to share with your future employer, this section is the right place for that!
  • My time – The distribution of your time is a great way to describe what type of person you are as well as outline your hobbies and interests.

What Is the Difference Between a Resume Profile and Resume Summary?

Frankly, there is no difference at all.

A resume profile is another way to say resume objective or resume summary. The purpose of these sections is the same – to grab the attention of the reader, present you in the best possible way and tilt the scales in your direction.

Resume Profile: Gotchas & Takeaways

Let’s summarize:

  • It’s not so hard to write about yourself if you know the right structure and process.
  • No matter if you just finished university or if you are on the path to a career change, you need a resume profile.
  • Following our formula can help you write a professional resume profile quickly and easily.
  • Your resume profile should be unique, depending on the industry you are operating in.
  • There is no difference between a resume profile and summary.


What did you think of this article? Do you feel ready to create an awesome resume profile? Share your thoughts in the comments! :)

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Make one that's truly you.
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Kal Dimitrov
Kaloyan Dimitrov is a resume expert and content manager at Enhancv. He frequently publishes blog posts around resume writing, cover letters and job applications, and authors more than 500 publications on the site. Kaloyan also runs a Career Accelerator Bootcamp for young graduates where he applies his practical knowledge of job applications and writing resumes and educates people on how to present their best selves in front of business representatives. His opinions on resume writing and career development have been featured in Chron., as well as cited by top universities such as Simon Fraser University and UCL.
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