How to Write Responding To Recruiter Email [Templates Included]

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Pub: 11/16/2022
Upd: 10/21/2024
4 min read

Receiving a message from a recruiter can be both exciting and scary. You would usually receive those on your email, but LinkedIn is also a more and more used platform for that purpose.

And no matter where you received your message, and whether you are actively looking for a job or not, you should always remember to answer politely.

After all, you would always want to create a good impression with potential employers.

You might ask yourself how to get your answer just right, and we are here to help.

In this article, we are going to explore the following questions:

  • Why are recruiters contacting you?
  • How to respond to recruiter email?

And for each scenario, we are going to provide you with a template to get you going.

If it all sounds good, let’s not waste any more time and dive into the topic.

Why are recruiters contacting you?

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There are a few reasons for a recruiter contacting you, but the most common one is that they find you to be a fit for an open position they have, and want to schedule an interview.

A less common reason is for them to reach out to you without currently having an open position for you, but wanting to connect with you about potential future ones.

Either way, you should not hesitate to answer them, as it would leave a good impression.

And even if you are not currently looking for a new job, it would be an ace in your pocket to have good connections with recruiters when you are ready to move on to a new position.

How to respond to recruiter email and templates to use

Now that you understand the reasons behind recruiters contacting you, let’s figure out the best way to answer them.

To get the best out of your answer, you need to consider in what situation you are regarding your job hunt.

Let’s go through the four main cases.

Responding to recruiter email if you want the job

Best case scenario – you are currently looking for a job, and you hit the jackpot as the position the recruiter is contacting you about is just what you are looking for.

That’s your chance to shine, and show your enthusiasm about the position.

But enthusiasm alone is not going to be enough, make sure you also highlight your best skills and your relevant experience.

However, don’t oversell it, as you might come across as arrogant.

Simply highlight your best qualities in a professional manner, and include your availability and contact details, so that it would be clear that you are interested in chatting more.


Subject line: [Name of position or company] Opportunity

Hi [Recruiter’s name],

Thank you for reaching out to me – I feel very interested to learn more about the role!

I am very excited to learn what the position has to offer. I have [Years of experience] years of experience in [Industry the role is in]. [Mention an accomplishment that would put you in a good light]. I am particularly interested in [Relevant duty from the job description] and I think I am a great fit for this role.

I’d love to chat further about [Company name] and how my skills can contribute to its goals. I’ve attached my resume, so you can review my experience.

I’m available [Share your availability slots], feel free to contact me at [Email address and/or phone number].

I look forward to talking to you soon!


[Your name]

Responding to recruiter email if you are interested in another position

As it often happens, a recruiter might offer you a role that you are not that interested in.

But that does not mean that you should just ignore their message and move on.

Instead, take the opportunity to professionally steer the conversation toward the type of position you would be interested in.

You should highlight your skill set and expertise, and show the recruiter that you are interested in a new job opportunity, but the one they offered is not the one for you.

Doing so allows them to think about any other open positions that might be a better fit for you, or keep you in mind for any future positions they have.


Subject line: [Name of position or company] Opportunity

Hi [Recruiter’s name],

Thank you for reaching out to me. Your timing can’t be better, as I am in fact actively looking for a new job opportunity. I am familiar with [Company name], and I admire the work they do.

However, I don’t feel like this role is the right fit for me because [Provide a specific reason].

I am currently looking for [Describe the role you are looking for]. I believe my experience as [Describe your most relevant experience to the role you are looking for] would great me a great fit. If you have any similar open positions, or expect to have some soon, I would love to stay in touch.

I have attached my resume for your consideration. Feel free to contact me directly at [Email address or/and phone number].

I look forward to staying connected, and wish you good luck in your search for this role.


[Your name]

responding to recruiter email if you want to learn more

Sometimes recruiters would not be straightforward with what position they can offer you.

And even if you are not looking for a new job, such a message can prompt you to think about your career in a new light.

In this case, what you need to do is to write a short, professional message that shows that you are proactive and approachable.

That approach leaves the door open for the recruiter, and allows them to understand what kind of position you would be interested in.


Subject line: [Name of position or company] Opportunity

Hi [Recruiter’s name],

Thank you for contacting me! I am currently enjoying the work in [Name of the company you work at] working on [Project you are working on], but I am always happy to learn more about new job opportunities. I am particularly interested in [Describe positions that would potentially interest you].

If you have any open positions like this at [Company name], I would love to hear more about them. I have attached my resume for your review, and you can contact me at [Email address or/and phone number].


[Your name]

Responding to recruiter email if you are not interested

If you are feeling in a good place right now, and you really don’t want to change your job, you are not obligated to chase any opportunities.

If a recruiter contacts you in such a period, you can simply tell the recruiter that you are not in the market for a new job right now, and finish your message by thanking them for the interest.


Subject line: Re: [original email]

Hi [Recruiter’s name],

Thank you for reaching out to me.

I am currently not looking for a new job, but feel free to send me anything of interest, and I will let you know if I have any contact that might be a good fit.


[Your name]


We are all done, now you know how to respond to recruiter email.

Let’s do a quick recap of what you need to do, no matter the situation:

  • Consider the situation you are currently in regarding job hunt
  • Always answer politely and professionally
  • Don’t ignore messages from recruiters

Check out our templates for different situations, and write a great answer for your next recruiter email.

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Kal Dimitrov
Kaloyan Dimitrov is a resume expert and content manager at Enhancv. He frequently publishes blog posts around resume writing, cover letters and job applications, and authors more than 500 publications on the site. Kaloyan also runs a Career Accelerator Bootcamp for young graduates where he applies his practical knowledge of job applications and writing resumes and educates people on how to present their best selves in front of business representatives. His opinions on resume writing and career development have been featured in Chron., as well as cited by top universities such as Simon Fraser University and UCL.
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