Email to Send Resume: How to Build Yours [+ Template]

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Content Manager and Resume Expert

Pub: 11/25/2021
Upd: 3/10/2025
10 min read

You have created a resume that stands out and is ready to get you your big interview.

That’s great, but now how do you get in touch with a hiring manager?

You always have the option of applying to specialized websites for job applications, or use the company’s website.

But there is a better and much more effective way.

It may seem a little old-fashioned, but getting in touch with the hiring manager through email definitely has its charm.

As most applications are usually sent through automated systems or websites, the personal touch is almost missing.

But sending your resume through email shows your personal interest in the company, and this would always work in your favor.

In this article, we will go through all the basics you need to cover in your email:

  • Finding contact information of the hiring manager
  • Formatting your email right
  • Attachments and the right format for them

As well as:

  • Some tips and tricks you need to consider
  • Sending your cover letter (if required)

And we will top it all off with some great examples.

If you still have some hesitations about your resume, you should check out our Resume tips before sending out your resume.

But if you think your resume is good to go, we’re diving right into the topic.

Emailing resume to an employer

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There are quite a few steps that you need to do in order to play your cards right.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

We are going to go through every step of the email and get you good and ready.

Find the hiring manager’s contact details

The first step you might want to try is just googling what you need.

Make sure you use the right format for that - “[Company Name] [Team Name] Manager”, for example, “Google IT Manager”.

If that does not work, you can try a little more direct method - call the company and ask for the hiring manager’s contact details.

As a final resort, you can try LinkedIn. Most companies and their employees have well-developed accounts there. Consider upgrading your LinkedIn profile as well.

Try finding your hiring manager and send an invitation to the hiring manager, saying that you would like to apply for an open position.

Most likely they will be happy to share their email address, but even if they are not, at least you are no longer anonymous.

You are very likely to get to the desired email that way, so don’t waste your chance.

Follow the directions

The most important part of sending your resume is to follow the instructions.

Make sure you do exactly what the job listing states.

If the listing asks you to save your resume under a specific name, be sure to do so.

If the job ad states that it requires a resume in a particular format, you have to make it in that exact format.

Just to remind you, these are the basic resume formats:

And why this is crucial - because employers are less likely to consider your application if you did not follow the instructions exactly.

So make sure you do so.

Use a clear subject line

The subject of an email is the first thing your potential employer is going to see.

So make sure you format it correctly or your email might never be opened.

You have to make the subject line state clearly what is the purpose of the email, so that it does not get mistaken for spam.

Your subject line should include exactly three items, and not a letter more:

  • Job title
  • The term “job application”
  • Your name

For example:

IT Specialist - job application - John Doe

Keep it simple

You don’t want to make the body of your email too fancy.

Use a font that is easy on the eyes, don’t make it colored and stay away from emoticons.

You don’t know what email client your email will be opened on, so make it as simple as possible.

If you don’t, there is a great chance that you and your potential employer would see a very different email.

As it comes to your narrative in the email, again - keep it simple.

You need to introduce yourself, explain the purpose of the email and outline the documents you have attached.

Don’t use any fancy narrative, and absolutely stay away from attempts at jokes.

Include an introduction in your email

You need to consider that the hiring manager might be overwhelmed with work when they receive your email.

So you need to make sure your email’s point is clear from the beginning.

You can think of your email introduction like a Cover Letter.

But a cover letter that is much shorter and focused exactly on one point - getting the hiring manager’s attention.

Don’t copy sections from your cover letter, if you have one.

Instead, just summarize your career highlights in a few short sentences.

Attachments vs. pasting plain text

There are two options for sending your resume through email:

  • Paste your resume as plain text in the body of your email
  • Attach the file to the email

The first option should be used only when the employer does not accept attached files.

If that’s the case, remember - keep it simple. No fancy formatting, only plain text.

The better option, if it is available, is to attach your resume.

What you need to know here is that you absolutely should make it in PDF format.

That way, you can be sure that no matter what formatting you have, it will be preserved.

Another thing you need to look out for is the size of your document.

Anything larger than 10 MB is too big, and you need to consider compressing the file.

Finish off with a clear call to action

If you want to grab the hiring manager’s attention even more, you can try to finish off with a clear call to action.

You might wonder what that means.

Think of your email as making a sales pitch.

You are selling the company something of value, and that thing is you.

People don’t mind being sold to, as long as it is done right.

So take advantage of that.

You can finish off your resume with a call to action, which can be as simple as:

Can we schedule a meeting next week to discuss my ideas of your company’s growth?

And you are automatically one step ahead.

Include your signature

And finally, top it all off with your signature, so that it would be easy for the hiring manager to get in touch with you.

What should the signature include?

A few basics are more than enough:

  • Start it off with “Sincerely”, or a synonym
  • Your full name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

You can also add:

  • Portfolio
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Personal or professional website

Tips for emailing a resume

Okay, now you have the basics for your email.

But there are still some details that we should cover to ensure your success.

Use a professional email address

One of the first things that the hiring manager sees when receiving an email is the email address it comes from.

If they see an unprofessional email address, your message is in danger of forever remaining unnoticed.

If you don’t have a professional email address, consider creating a new one, dedicated for job applications.

When creating a professional email address, make sure it contains your name or part of your name.

The most common formats for this purpose are:

(first or f being your first name, and last or l being your last)

Use the name of the person you’re emailing

That’s a detail you might want to spend some time on.

Addressing the hiring manager by name in your email shows that you took the initiative to research the company.

And that is absolutely a great plus for you.

You would want to start off with a standard greeting, like “Dear Mr. Doe”.

Stay away from informal greetings, like “Hi, John” or “Hey, Mrs. Doe”. These don’t work in your favor and cancel out all the work you put in finding their name.

If you can’t find the name of the hiring manager, the next best thing is to address your email to the human resources manager, or the department you want to work for.

Name your attachments properly

If you are sending your resume as an attached file in an email, you need to think about the name you give to that document.

Don’t forget that your potential employer can see the name you have given to your document.

What you would want the name of the file to include is your name and the word “resume”. For example: JohnDoe_Resume.pdf .

Don’t miss out on writing your name in the file.

You lose every chance of having your resume checked out if you send it with a name like “Resume”, or even worse - “Resume1” or “Resume2”.

That kind of name can only show your potential employer that you are not really interested in the position.

Mention your attached files

The main goal of your email is to lead the hiring manager to your attached resume.

So mentioning once again your attached files might not be overdoing it.

Actually writing out “please find attached my resume” or something in this sense, reminds the hiring manager not to overlook your resume.

But forgetting to attach your files is probably the worst thing you can do to your chances of getting the job.

That makes you seem unorganized and most hiring managers would not consider you an option, as they are actively looking for great organizational skills for every position.

Proofread your documents

Before sending anything, you would want to double- , even triple-check your email and documents.

Employers expect the same level of professionalism in emails, as they would expect if you start working for their company.

Make sure you use spell-check and check your grammar and capitalization.

It’s important to proofread your subject, body and attachments before sending your email..

Some of the email providers have built-in spell-checkers that you can use.

But no matter the spell-checker, don’t ever rely solely on it.

Spell-checkers can miss many grammar and spelling mistakes.

Make sure you re-read your email yourself and ask a friend to look it over as well.

Send a test email message

The last thing you might want to do is send yourself a test email.

By doing so, you can see any mistakes in your formatting or attached documents.

And it’s better for you to see them, rather than the hiring manager.

What you want to be on the lookout for when sending a test message:

  • Are there any typos or grammatical mistakes in your email
  • Are all the attached files present in the email
  • Do all attached files open up correctly

If you are good on all three points, you are ready to send your email off to the employer.

Email to send Resume - Template

And now, as we promised, we are going to give you an example of everything we covered above.

Follow it, and you will have your email ready in no time.

Subject: [ Job position ] - job application - [ Your name ]

Body: Dear, [ Hiring manager’s name ],

Please find attached a copy of my resume for the [ Job position ] with [ Company name] .

With [ X ] years’ experience in [ areas of expertise and skills ] and a proven record of [ list a few key achievements ], my goal is to leverage my expertise to help [ Company name ] succeed in achieving [ company vision / team goals ] .

Can we schedule a meeting next week to discuss my ideas of your company’s growth?


[ Your Name ]

[ Email ]

[ Phone ]

[ LinkedIn ] - optional

[ Portfolio ] - optional

[ Personal or professional website ] - optional

Takeaways: Email to send resume

We are all done.

Now you know how to structure your email for job applications.

You are now ready to build your email and grab the hiring manager’s attention with it.

Don’t forget our tips and tricks, and make your email the best it can be.

Check out our example once again and make your email get you your next interview in no time.

Make your move!
Your resume is an extension of yourself.
Make one that's truly you.
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Kal Dimitrov
Kaloyan Dimitrov is a resume expert and content manager at Enhancv. He frequently publishes blog posts around resume writing, cover letters and job applications, and authors more than 100 publications on the site. Kaloyan also runs a Career Accelerator Bootcamp for young graduates where he applies his practical knowledge of job applications and writing resumes and educates people on how to present their best selves in front of business representatives. His opinions on resume writing and career development have been featured in Chron., as well as cited by top universities such as Simon Fraser University and UCL.
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