Sports CV Examples & Guide for 2024

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Sports CV

Your sports CV must highlight your athletic achievements succinctly. Detail your highest level of competition to stand out. Remember to include relevant statistics and records. These facts will showcase your prowess and commitment to the sport.

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Learn how to create your next sports CV by:

  • Applying the simplest CV design, so that recruiters can easily understand your expertise, skills, and professional background;
  • Ensuring you stand out with your header, summary or objective statement, and a designated skills section;
  • Creating your CV experience section - no matter how much expertise you have;
  • Using real life professional CV examples to enhance the structure and outline of your profile.

If you still have no muse to write your professional CV, find some more industry-leading examples.

How complex should the format of your sports CV be?

Perhaps, you decided to use a fancy font and plenty of colours to ensure your sports CV stands out amongst the pile of other candidate profiles. Alas - this may confuse recruiters. By keeping your format simple and organising your information coherently, you'll ultimately make a better impression. What matters most is your experience, while your CV format should act as complementary thing by:

  • Presenting the information in a reverse chronological order with the most recent of your jobs first. This is done so that your career history stays organised and is aligned to the role;
  • Making it easy for recruiters to get in touch with you by including your contact details in the CV header. Regarding the design of your CV header, include plenty of white space and icons to draw attention to your information. If you're applying for roles in the UK, don't include a photo, as this is considered a bad practice;
  • Organising your most important CV sections with consistent colours, plenty of white space, and appropriate margins (2.54 cm). Remember that your CV design should always aim at legibility and to spotlight your key information;
  • Writing no more than two pages of your relevant experience. For candidates who are just starting out in the field, we recommend to have an one-page CV.

One more thing about your CV format - you may be worried if your double column CV is Applicant Tracker System (ATS) complaint. In our recent study, we discovered that both single and double-column CVs are ATS-friendly . Most ATSes out there can also read all serif and sans serif fonts. We suggest you go with modern, yet simple, fonts (e.g. Rubik, Lato, Raleway) instead of the classic Times New Roman. You'll want your application to stand out, and many candidates still go for the classics. Finally, you'll have to export your CV. If you're wondering if you should select Doc or PDF, we always advise going with PDF. Your CV in PDF will stay intact and opens easily on every OS, including Mac OS.

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Be mindful of white space; too much can make the CV look sparse, too little can make it look cluttered. Strive for a balance that makes the document easy on the eyes.

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The top sections on a sports CV

  • Personal Details: Reveals contact information and age.
  • Playing History: Chronicles teams and levels played.
  • Position Specific Skills: Highlights expertise in the role.
  • Sports Achievements: Showcases awards and recognitions.
  • Fitness and Physical Data: Indicates stamina and health metrics.
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What recruiters value on your CV:
  • Highlight specific athletic achievements, including any records held, championships won or significant milestones achieved in the sport you are involved in, demonstrating performance and competitiveness.
  • Include detailed information about your sports-related education and qualifications, such as coaching certifications, sports management courses, or degrees in sports science, to establish credibility and expertise.
  • Detail your experience in teamwork and leadership roles within your sport, which may include captaincy, mentoring, or coordinating team activities, showcasing soft skills that are vital for teamwork in sports environments.
  • Outline your familiarity with sports technology and analytics, if relevant, displaying your ability to engage with modern sports performance tools and data analysis that can give teams a competitive edge.
  • Emphasise transferable skills such as discipline, determination, and resilience, acquired through sports, that are applicable to various responsibilities in the sports industry, including management and coaching positions.

How to present your contact details and job keywords in your sports CV header

Located at the top of your sports CV, the header presents recruiters with your key personal information, headline, and professional photo. When creating your CV header, include your:

What do other industry professionals include in their CV header? Make sure to check out the next bit of your guide to see real-life examples:

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Examples of good CV headlines for sports:

  1. Professional Footballer | UEFA Pro Licence | Leadership & Teamwork Specialist | 15+ Years' Experience
  2. Elite Performance Coach | Athletics Expert | MSc Sports Science | Talent Development | 10 Years' Coaching
  3. Senior Sports Physiotherapist | Specialist in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation | BSc (Hons), MCSP | 12 Years' Clinical Expertise
  4. International Cricket Player | Batting Technique Consultant | ACC Level 3 Coach | 20-Year Professional Career
  5. Sports Marketing Manager | Brand Strategy & Sponsorship Guru | MBA Sports Management | 8 Years' Industry Impact
  6. Head Strength & Conditioning Coach | Olympic Athlete Preparation | NSCA-CSCS Certified | 15+ Years' High-Performance Training

Choosing your opening statement: a sports CV summary or objective

At the top one third of your CV, you have the chance to make a more personable impression on recruiters by selecting between:

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CV summaries for a sports job:

  • Dedicated professional with over 8 years of experience in competitive basketball coaching, specialising in youth athletic development. Possesses in-depth knowledge of gameplay strategies, skill-building exercises, and team management. Proud of leading the under-16 team to regional victory in the National Youth Basketball League.
  • Highly skilled football scout with 10 years of experience identifying and nurturing talent across Europe. Expert in player analysis, performance metrics, and recruitment strategies, with a track record of discovering key players for top-tier clubs. Instrumental in securing talent that propelled a local team to its first national championship.
  • Seasoned marketing manager pivoting into sports event management, bringing over 12 years' experience in large-scale project coordination, robust client relations, and strategic planning. Proven success in orchestrating high-profile corporate events, eager to channel expertise into promoting world-class sports tournaments and elevating audience engagement.
  • Renowned chef with a passion for nutrition and fitness, transitioning to a sports nutritionist role after 15 years in the culinary industry. Brings a wealth of knowledge on dietary requirements, meal planning, and food science, eager to contribute to peak athletic performance with customised nutrition plans for elite athletes.
  • Aspiring sports psychologist committed to pursuing a career dedicated to enhancing athletes' mental resilience and performance. Eager to apply recent Master's degree knowledge in Psychology and intern experience with local sports teams to help athletes achieve their full potential through psychological assessment and skillful mental coaching.
  • Enthusiastic graduate in Sports Management, aiming to utilise academic training and a keen interest in sports analytics to impact the sports industry positively. Armed with strong analytical skills and a fresh perspective, ready to contribute to the strategic growth and success of emerging sports franchises or athletic programs.

Best practices for writing your sports CV experience section

If your profile matches the job requirements, the CV experience is the section which recruiters will spend the most time studying. Within your experience bullets, include not merely your career history, but, rather, your skills and outcomes from each individual role. Your best experience section should promote your profile by:

  • including specific details and hard numbers as proof of your past success;
  • listing your experience in the functional-based or hybrid format (by focusing on the skills), if you happen to have less professional, relevant expertise;
  • showcasing your growth by organising your roles, starting with the latest and (hopefully) most senior one;
  • staring off each experience bullet with a verb, following up with skills that match the job description, and the outcomes of your responsibility.

Add keywords from the job advert in your experience section, like the professional CV examples:

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Best practices for your CV's work experience section
  • Quantify achievements: State how many competitions you've participated in or won. Provide specific statistics or records you've set to demonstrate your proficiency in your sport.
  • Teamwork skills: Highlight your experience in working with a team, sharing tactics and strategies. Mention any leadership roles you've held, such as team captain, and the responsibilities that came with them.
  • Training and discipline: Detail your daily or weekly training regimen, and how you've maintained peak physical condition. Discuss any special dietary or fitness routines you follow that contribute to your athletic performance.
  • Technical proficiency: Describe specific technical skills relevant to your sport, such as a footballer detailing dribbling techniques or a cricketer discussing bowling styles. Make sure to include how you've improved these skills over time, demonstrating a commitment to personal development.
  • Coaching and mentoring: If you have experience in coaching, provide examples of how you've helped improve others' performances. Share any mentoring or development programmes you’ve been involved with, showing your dedication to the sport beyond personal achievement.
  • Injury management: Discuss any injuries you've overcome, what they taught you about body management, and how this knowledge has helped maintain your athletic longevity. Include any rehabilitation programmes you've completed and how they've informed your approach to training.
  • Adaptability: Give examples of how you've adapted to different coaches, strategies, or team environments. Demonstrate your ability to be flexible and successful in varied sporting contexts.
  • Competitive edge: Explain what sets you apart from others in your sport, such as a unique playing style or unmatched endurance. Share how you've cultivated these unique traits to succeed in competitive environments.
  • Professional development: Include any courses, workshops or certifications relevant to your sport, such as sports medicine or psychology. Illustrate your continuous commitment to learning and improving within your sport's discipline.
Work Experience
Director of Sports Operations
  • Developed and executed strategic marketing campaigns for major sporting events, increasing brand visibility by 30%.
  • Led the team in securing sponsorship deals with key partners, resulting in a 20% increase in annual revenue.
  • Introduced data-driven approaches to track athlete performance, improving training outcomes and competitive results.
Work Experience
Sports Event Manager
International Olympic Committee
  • Coordinated logistics for international sports events, including transportation and accommodation for over 500 athletes.
  • Managed a cross-functional team to deliver complex projects, enhancing the fan experience at live events.
  • Implemented new athlete development programs that fostered talent and reduced injury rates by 15%.
Work Experience
Athletic Director
UCLA Athletics
  • Revamped the college's athletic recruitment strategy, increasing enrollment of student-athletes by 40%.
  • Oversaw the successful bidding process for collegiate championships, bringing significant attention to the institution.
  • Secured funding for athletic facility upgrades, which enhanced training capabilities and attracted high-caliber coaching staff.
Work Experience
Sports Performance Coach
New England Patriots
  • Created comprehensive workout and nutrition plans for professional sports teams, optimizing player performance.
  • Spearheaded community outreach initiatives, broadening the team's fan base and increasing game attendance by 25%.
  • Monitored industry trends to advise on technology investments for player tracking and performance analysis.
Work Experience
Sports Talent Scout
Los Angeles Lakers
  • Developed a robust scouting network that identified and secured emerging talent for the team's roster.
  • Negotiated endorsement deals for athletes, amplifying the team's market presence and generating additional income streams.
  • Collaborated on the launch of a sports analytics division, driving a 10% improvement in team win rates.
Work Experience
Sports Marketing Specialist
Nike, Inc.
  • Managed sports merchandise portfolio, achieving a year-over-year sales increase of 22% through targeted marketing strategies.
  • Established a youth academy program, which contributed to the development of two Olympians within the first three years.
  • Collaborated with designers to develop high-performance sportswear, leading to a successful product line launch.
Work Experience
Sports & Wellness Program Director
Google Inc.
  • Organized sports conventions, managing over 200 vendors and attracting over 10,000 attendees annually.
  • Led a project to integrate virtual reality technology in training sessions, elevating the immersion and effectiveness of the training programs.
  • Managed corporate wellness programs, significantly reducing employee healthcare costs by enhancing their physical fitness through sports activities.
Work Experience
Sports Marketing Coordinator
Adidas Group
  • Designed and executed promotional events for major athletic brands, resulting in a 35% uptick in product trials.
  • Forged partnerships with local sports clubs to expand grassroots marketing efforts and bolster community engagement.
  • Piloted a social media campaign that doubled the online following for our sports event planning services.
Work Experience
Sports Science Specialist
  • Administered sports therapy and rehabilitation programs, reducing athlete recovery time by an average of 20%.
  • Devised and executed research projects on sports psychology, enhancing team cohesion and mental resilience.
  • Integrated cutting-edge wearable technology to monitor athlete vitals, boosting overall team performance.
Work Experience
Sports Operations Coordinator
Major League Baseball
  • Coordinated with broadcasting partners to ensure seamless delivery of live sports events to millions of viewers.
  • Managed a portfolio of sports equipment, ensuring all teams were equipped with top-tier gear for optimal performance.
  • Implemented a fan engagement platform that saw a 50% increase in interactions during the sports season.

What to add in your sports CV experience section with no professional experience

If you don't have the standard nine-to-five professional experience, yet are still keen on applying for the job, here's what you can do:

  • List any internships, part-time roles, volunteer experience, or basically any work you've done that meets the job requirements and is in the same industry;
  • Showcase any project you've done in your free time (even if you completed them with family and friends) that will hint at your experience and skill set;
  • Replace the standard, CV experience section with a strengths or achievements one. This will help you spotlight your transferrable skills that apply to the role.
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If applicable, briefly mention a situation where things didn’t go as planned and what you learned from it, demonstrating your ability to learn and adapt.

Hard skills and soft skills to showcase your unique skill set on your sports CV

Did you know that your CV will mostly likely be assessed by recruiters based on skill alignment? And that means that the way you feature your key skills across different CV sections will play a crucial role in landing you that first interview. We recommend you add your:

  • technical capabilities or hard skills in your CV experience, certificates, projects, etc. Use your past accomplishments to prove your technical capabilities. List up to a dozen different software or hardware in your dedicated skills section to match the job keywords;
  • personal and communication skills or soft skills in your CV strengths, achievements, summary/ objective, etc. Soft skills are a bit more difficult to prove. How do you define your aptitude in active listening? So, instead of just listing the skill name, include a tangible metric to show your success.

On a final note, when you're in a hurry to create your profile, you may misspell a particular technology or soft skill. That's why we suggest you copy and paste the particular skill name (or keyword), directly from the job advert. This would also help you to pass any initial Applicant Tracker System (ATS) tests.

Top skills for your sports CV:

Athletic Training

Sports Management

Coaching Techniques

Fitness Assessment

Nutrition Planning

Game Strategy Development

Sports Psychology Knowledge

First Aid and CPR Certified

Event Organisation

Data Analysis and Performance Metrics




Time Management




Critical Thinking

Work Ethic


Interpersonal Skills

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If there's a noticeable gap in your skillset for the role you're applying for, mention any steps you're taking to acquire these skills, such as online courses or self-study.

Further professional qualifications for your sports CV: education and certificates

As you're nearing the end of your sports CV, you may wonder what else will be relevant to the role. Recruiters are keen on understanding your academic background, as it teaches you an array of hard and soft skills. Create a dedicated education section that lists your:

  • applicable higher education diplomas or ones that are at a postgraduate level;
  • diploma, followed up with your higher education institution and start-graduation dates;
  • extracurricular activities and honours, only if you deem that recruiters will find them impressive.

Follow a similar logic when presenting your certificates. Always select ones that will support your niche expertise and hint at what it's like to work with you. Balance both technical certification with soft skills courses to answer job requirements and company values. Wondering what the most sought out certificates are for the industry? Look no further:

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If there's a noticeable gap in your skillset for the role you're applying for, mention any steps you're taking to acquire these skills, such as online courses or self-study.

Key takeaways

Here are five things you need to remember about writing your sports CV for success:

  • Sort your experience based on the reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent career items, to showcase how you've grown your career;
  • Include within your CV header your relevant contact details, a headline that could spotlight your unique value, and a photo - if you're applying for roles outside the UK or US;
  • Decide to use the CV summary, if you happen to have more professional experience, and an objective, if you want to showcase your career goals;
  • Within the experience section, write your bullets using action verbs, skills, and success, instead of just merely listing your on-the-job responsibilities;
  • Prove your technical skills, using your education and certificates, and your soft skills, with your achievements and strengths sections.

Looking to build your own Sports CV?

Enhancv CV builder will help you create a modern, stand-out CV that gets results
Variety of custom sections
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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He applies his deep knowledge and experience to write about a career change, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.

Frequently asked questions about Sports CVs

Q: How long should my Sports CV be?

A: The ideal length for a Sports CV is 1-2 pages.

Q: Should I include references on my Sports CV?

A: No, it is not necessary to include references on your CV. However, you should have them ready if they are requested by a potential employer.

Q: How can I make my Sports CV stand out from others?

A: Focus on highlighting your unique skills and experience, and be sure to tailor your CV to each job application. Additionally, make sure your CV is cleanly formatted, well-organized, and easy to read.
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