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Client Management Skills: Example Usage on Resumes, Skill Set & Top Keywords in 2024

Here are the top ways to show your client management skills on your resume. Find out relevant client management keywords and phrases and build your resume today.

Pub: 11/27/2019
Upd: 10/21/2024
8 min read
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"Hello, Mr. Doe, this is your customer feedback representative calling. I'd just like to take a few moments to check how satisfied you are with our latest product. So, on a scale of 1 to 10, please, rate…"

The above example demonstrates very roughly one of the most crucial dialogues that organizations should have with their customers.

And, yes, collecting feedback effectively is part of the customer management skill set you should list on your resume.

Customer manager skills are linked with ensuring the success of all interactions between the organization (or brand) and potential or current clients.

By providing customer service (with personalized attention), client managers aim to:

  • foster relationships with potential clients
  • create, sustain, and strengthen relationships through the customer lifecycle
  • improve client satisfaction

Here’s a tip on how to showcase your client management skills on your resume: don’t just list ‘client management’ because this won’t mean anything to recruiters.

Instead, focus on demonstrating the results you’ve achieved using this soft skill.

But we’ll get more into how you can best highlight your client management skills below.

Let’s now move on to:

Why is client management important on your resume?

Customer expectations are now higher than ever before.

On-demand delivery, quicker response time, and catering to their emotional and practical sides have all become the norm in sales.

Customer decisions are also based on their whole past, present, and potential experience.

If companies can't set the right expectations from the very start of the customer relationship, they're definitely on a losing curve.

That's why it's important to include your customer management skills on your resume.

This will showcase that you've been able to increase customer loyalty throughout the whole buying journey.

As well: you're apt at turning leads into clients and improving the relationships over time.

This skill is definitely valued as it helps businesses better understand customer behavior, streamline processes, and adapt their offers.

What skills, activities and accomplishments help you highlight your customer management

Many of your skills could hint at your customer management abilities, but remember to showcase the ones that will present you in the best light and match the job description.

Here are some popular example skills you could include in your resume:

  • Creative thinking: within your day-to-day work, you'd be required to think on your feet and solve different problems. Patience and a personable approach usually go a long way.

    Include on your resume instances where your outside-the-box perspective has helped you offer the best solutions to clients.

  • Knowledge and presentation: client managers have to do a lot of homework before they can pitch to clients. From understanding the client pain points to product/service features and benefits.

    So, think about the niche you've worked in and describe how/ why your presentations (or pitches) have resulted in success.

  • Collaboration skills: any customer-focused department's success is based on the "teamwork makes the dream work" mantra. Because sometimes the knowledge the marketing team can provide you with can help you with targeting more precisely.

    Your resume is an excellent opportunity to show recruiters how you collaborate to achieve the organization's goals and vision.

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How to demonstrate Client Management skills on your resume

  • Relationship building. You’ve successfully built and maintained long-term business relationships with key clients.
  • Excellent communication abilities. You can respond to client concerns in a calm, concise, and timely manner.
  • Ability to project manage. You provide regular updates about projects in language the client can understand.
  • Examples of problem-solving. When things don’t go as planned, you can find a solution that still aligns with the client’s overall objectives and goals.
  • Working knowledge of CRM software.
  • Successful client managers can always pinpoint their results - from customer feedback to organization-wide targets they've met
  • Think once more about stats with a focus on client conversion, longevity of the customer lifecycle, new product sales/results, company financial growth
  • Build a very precise, separate section within which you could briefly summarize recommendations from senior management or clients
  • Make sure to include your proficiency with different CRM software products you’ve used to also hint at your technical experience in the role
  • At the heart of client management is the ability to present - think of your resume as the best opportunity to pitch yourself to recruiters. Spend time to perfect all the small details and be strategic about the sections you use.
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What jobs require client management skills?

  • HR Operations Supervisor & Lead Recruiter
  • Group HR Administrator/HRM Secretary
  • Project Manager
  • Account Executive
  • Freelancer
  • Senior Communications Advisor
  • Account Manager
  • Consultant
  • Pre-sales And CRM Professional
  • Senior Director Of Public Affairs

Client management is a resume soft skill - meaning that you have to be a bit more precise when listing it.

Focus on your achievements, results, and impact on the organizations you’ve worked in through the years.

If you’re still looking for a hint at how you can showcase this skill set, read up the specific job requirements to get a better understanding of what’s expected of you.

Or, alternatively, check out the next section of our guide for some real-life examples from industry professionals.

Example 1: Demonstrate client management in the experience section

Customer Service Representative
Little Rock, AR
  • Created new business opportunities by prospecting 1000+ leads to turn them into loyal customers
  • Introduced potential service to current clients, resulting in the expansion of the business portfolio into new segment, which led to a company-wide financial growth by 25%
  • Maintained client-relationships over 5 years, always receiving high customer satisfaction scores with an 95% AVG
  • Used Salesforce to organize work processes, increased personal efficiency by 16%

The customer service representative has focused their experience on their achievements, rather than just mentioning that they have client management skills.

Thus highlighting their:

  • communication skills with how they’ve prospected leads, introduced a new product, and attained high customer satisfaction scores;
  • big picture vision by helping the organization enter a new segment;
  • self-improvement and organization skills by installing CRM within their work process.

Example 2: demonstrate client management in the resume summary section

VP Portfolio Client Manager with 7+ years of experience sustaining 60+ high-profile customer relationships. Specialized in B2B, with a 98% success rate in determining match between leads and organizations. Building relationships based on trust, a people-first approach, and professionalism to maintain a 90% AVG customer satisfaction score.

In the example summary, the candidate pinpoints some of the biggest recognitions within his role and focuses on his specialized niche.

They’ve also included some traits needed to be a successful client manager by quantifying their achievements.

Example 3: Show your client management in your achievements' section

Key Achievements
Increased product sales by 65%
Within the first 48 hours of the new product launch, sold more than 150 units to customers.
Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant (SSCC)
Certification helped to personalize our current client database, which improved processing time by 25% and found opportunities to enhance the sales cycle
Customer Champion 2021
Received this company-wide recognition for having the most sales in 2021 and also in recognition of ‘customer-first’ approach.

The three achievements above focus on the candidate’s ability to present new products, streamline processes across the business, and certifications for success.

Of course, you could use this section to also list some personal achievements linked with client management, e.g. how you improve your presentation/ communication skills through various volunteering experience.

Remember to always present tangible results.

Example 4: Demonstrate the skill through other sections of your resume

Don’t let this guide limit you as to which resume sections are or aren’t appropriate to list your client management skills.

Because you could highlight this ability through various other sections of your resume - from passions and volunteering to certification and education.

Just remember to always have a strategy about the way you present your soft skills on your resume.

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Here are the top related skills to client management:

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Client management skills courses and certificates.
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Client management skills: key takeaways for your resume

  • Organizations value client management, as these skills are crucial to understanding customer expectations and building long-term relationships.
  • Carefully select the skills that hint at your customer management abilities: choose the ones which match the job requirements, and you have the most experience in.
  • Client management and presentation skills go hand in hand: that’s why you should perfect your pitch to recruiters or your resume. Have a strategic approach towards curating the most appropriate sections to illustrate your experience.
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Client Management Skills: Example Usage on Resumes, Skill Set & Top Keywords in 2024
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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He applies his deep knowledge and experience to write about a career change, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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